浏览器登录web页面配置http://这个ip地址是在LAN网卡上,WAN网卡ip可能登录不了,因为自带的Firewall Rules) 默认username:admin 默认password:pfsense 选择Interfaces->>(assign),配置不同的网段(可以设置vlan子接口) 配置结果如下: 选择System->>Routing,添加default gateway 选择Firewall->>Rules 内网...
A firewall rule must permit traffic to the OpenVPN server or clients will not be able to connect. Add a rule as follows:Navigate to Firewall > Rules, WAN tab Click to create a new rule at the top of the listSet the options as follows: Protocol: UDP Source: any Destination: WAN...
Firewall > Rules. Traffic for VTI mode works the same way by default but can operate on a per-interface basis in certain conditions. See Tunneled IPsec Traffic from Remote to Local for details. OpenVPN¶OpenVPN does not automatically add rules to WAN interfaces. The OpenVPN remote access ...
14.2 PPTP and Firewall Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 14.3 PPTP and Multi-WAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 14.4 PPTP Limitations . . . . . ...
把??WAN的Gateway ?在一起,自?就???平衡了。?要做一?步?: 在pfsense --> Firewall: Rules 要再LAN部分增加一?Rule Proto Source Port Destination Port Gateway Description * LAN net * * * Balancer - pool Default LAN -> any Balancer - pool??就是先前?置的POOL,一定要把Gateway ?置成??,...
WAN is via PPPoE, with a static IPv4 address and no IPv6 LAN is a 192.168.X.0/24 block IPv4, and no IPv6 configured (however IPv6 link-local addresses will still be there) IPs assigned by ISC DHCP Firewall rules allowed all IPv4 and IPv6 traffic to access the router itself Removing...
Default lease time是指IP地址的租期数值86400等于是24小时 这里设好后我们最好重启下机器,因为接下来的一般来讲是最为重要的步骤了! 重启机器我们登陆WEB后,选firewall菜单中的rules〔规那么〕再点LAN后如图: - . - . . -可修编- 系统默认下面LAN net这个是pass,这个说明所有经过这台机器的网线都是...
Default lease time是指IP地址的租期数值86400等于是24小时 这里设好后我们最好重启下机器,因为接下来的一般来讲是最为重要的步骤了! 重启机器我们登陆WEB后,选firewall菜单中的rules(规则)再点LAN后如图: 系统默认下面LAN net这个是pass,这个说明所有经过这台机器的网线都是可以访问intelnet的,所以我们要修改下这个...