通过在Perl脚本中使用一些内置函数和特殊变量,可以实现与Shell命令的交互。下面将根据方法和操作流程来介绍如何在Perl脚本中执行Shell命令。 1. 使用system函数执行Shell命令 Perl中的system函数是用来执行外部程序的,包括Shell命令。可以使用system函数来执行简单的命令,比如ls、mkdir等。其语法如下: “`perl system(comma...
perl -e ‘system “command”;’ “` 执行系统命令`command`。 b. 定时任务: “` perl -e ‘sleep(3600); system “command”;’ “` 在当前Shell脚本中,延迟1小时后执行系统命令`command`。 这些是在Linux下使用Perl命令的一些常见用法和功能。Perl的灵活性和强大的正则表达式支持使其成为Linux系统管理和文...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3200801/how-can-i-call-a-shell-command-in-my-perl-script/21153038 1. 用`` 不显示执行结果 my $files = `ls -la`— captures the output of the command in$files 2. 用system or exec 不显示执行结果 system "touch ~/foo"— if you don't want to captur...
Once you have Perl installed, a wealth of documentation is available to you through the 'perldoc' tool. To get started, run this command:perldoc perl IF YOU RUN INTO TROUBLEPerl is a large and complex system that's used for everything from knitting to rocket science. If you run into ...
可见,双引号中的变量$myname被perl解析了,而单引号中的变量$USER不被perl解析,perl将其交给bash,由shell负责解析,所以会输出当前用户名。 在system中,还可以使用shell的重定向、管道等功能。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7$myname="Malongshuai";system"echo $myname >/tmp/a.txt";print"===\n";system"cat <1.plx...
I'm trying to execute a shell command via a perl script that looks as follows $cmd = 'cat <(ssh -o \"StrictHostKeyChecking no\" dev-adm1 \'sudo cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf\')'; exec $cmd; This is throwing an error sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token ...
To run your Perl command, you just have to follow the given syntax: perl -e <Perl code> You just have to pay attention to thequotes in bash shell. perl -e 'print "Hello world!\n";' Executing Perl script with single quotes
impala_shell.sh - shortens impala-shell command to connect to Impala by parsing the Hadoop topology map and selecting a random datanode to connect to its Impalad, acting as a cheap CLI load balancer. For a real load balancer see HAProxy config for Impala (and many other Big Data & NoSQL...
Perl调用shell命令1. system(”command”); 使用该命令将开启一个子进程执行引号中的命令,父进程将等待子进程结束并继续执行下面的代码。 2. exec(”command”); 效果同system命令类似,区别是不会开启子进程,而是取代父进程,因此执行完引号中的命令后进程即结束。一般和fork配合使 ...
Knowing this, I could construct a shell command that did something the program does not intend. Perhaps I have a system call that seems harmless, like the call to echo: system( "/bin/echo $message" ); As a user of the program, I might try to craft the input so $message does more...