1. 用`` 不显示执行结果 my $files = `ls -la`— captures the output of the command in$files 2. 用system or exec 不显示执行结果 system "touch ~/foo"— if you don't want to captur...
Perl调用shell命令 Perl调用shell命令1. system(”command”); 使用该命令将开启一个子进程执行引号中的命令,父进程将等待子进程结束并继续执行下面的代码。 2. exec(”command”); 效果同system命令类似,区别是不会开启子进程,而是取代父进程,因此执行完引号中的命令后进程即结束。一般和fork配合使 ...
perl -e ‘system “command”;’ “` 执行系统命令`command`。 b. 定时任务: “` perl -e ‘sleep(3600); system “command”;’ “` 在当前Shell脚本中,延迟1小时后执行系统命令`command`。 这些是在Linux下使用Perl命令的一些常见用法和功能。Perl的灵活性和强大的正则表达式支持使其成为Linux系统管理和文...
I'm trying to execute a shell command via a perl script that looks as follows $cmd = 'cat <(ssh -o \"StrictHostKeyChecking no\" dev-adm1 \'sudo cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf\')'; exec $cmd; This is throwing an error sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token ...
多路通道输出模块,该模块功能等效于shell工具:tee 8.7 IO::Pipe pipe = IO::Pipe->new; 8.8 IO::Null Debug = 1; my debugfh=Debug ? *STDOUT : IO::Null->new; 8.9 IO::Dir 用该模块去操作目录 9 正则表达式引用 预编译操作符:qr// 如果用单引号'作为分隔符(qr''),则Perl解释器就不会做...
command - make需要执行的命令 (任意的shell命令), Makefile中的命令必须以 [tab] 开头 显示规则 :: 说明如何生成一个或多个目标文件(包括 生成的文件, 文件的依赖文件, 生成的命令) 隐晦规则 :: make的自动推导功能所执行的规则 变量定义 :: Makefile中定义的变量 文件指示 :: Makefile中引用其他Makefile;...
Why can't I get the output of a command with system()? How can I capture STDERR from an external command? Why doesn't open() return an error when a pipe open fails? What's wrong with using backticks in a void context? How can I call backticks without shell processing? Why can'...
Sub CallPerlScript() Dim objShell As Object Dim objFSO As Object Dim objFile As Object Dim strPath As String Dim strCommand As String Dim strOutput As String ' 设置Perl脚本的路径和参数 strPath = "C:\path\to\perl\" strCommand = "perl " & strPath & " 10 20" ' 创建Shell...
letb:match_skip='s:comment\|string\|perlQQ\|perlShellCommand\|perlHereDoc\|perlSubstitution\|perlTranslation\|perlMatch\|perlFormatField' letb:match_words='\<if\>:\<elsif\>:\<else\>' letb:undo_ftplugin.="| unlet! b:match_words b:match_skip" ...
change: 2012-11-03 1 Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLCALL(1) I32 call_sv(SV* sv, I32 flags); I32 call_pv(char *subname, I32 flags); I32 call_method(char *methname, I32 flags); I32 call_argv(char *subname, I32 flags, register char **argv); The key function is call_sv. ...