my $command = “df -h | awk ‘{print \$5}’ | sed ‘s/%//g'”; # shell命令来获取磁盘空间使用率 my $output = qx($command); # 执行shell命令并获取输出 my @lines = split(/\n/, $output); # 将输出按行分割为数组 shift @lines; # 忽略第一行 foreach my $line (@lines) { i...
(1) Sed Traps Shell Traps Perl Traps Perl4 to Perl5 Traps Discontinuance, Deprecation, and BugFix traps, Parsing Traps, Numerical Traps, General data type traps, Context Traps - scalar, list contexts, Precedence Traps, General Regular Expression Traps using s///, etc, Subroutine, Signal, ...
Runtime equivalent of the classic static ldd command and because the system pldd command often fails to attach to a process - selects one of given args at random. Useful for sampling, running randomized subsets of large test suites etc. - prints a random ...
执行外部命令时,不会通过shell调用,所以不会碰到shell导致意外的状况 通过capture或capturex就可以捕获外部命令的输出了 代码语言:javascript 复制 use IPC::System::Simple qw( system systems captures ) my $tarfile = 'something*wicked.tar'; my @dirs = qw( fred|flintstone <barney&rubble> betty ); syste...
The"%-"hash is a bit more complete, since it will contain array refs holding values from all capture buffers similarly named, if there should be many of them. "%+"and"%-"are implemented as tied hashes through the new module"Tie::Hash::NamedCapture". ...
(1); } # An alternative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array # to work around shell problems with weird characters in arguments # if the exec returns non-zero we die sub safe_pipe_capture { my @output; if (my $pid = open my $child, '-|') { @output = (...
# An alternative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array # to work around shell problems with weird characters in arguments # if the exec returns non-zero we die sub safe_pipe_capture { my @output; if (my $pid = open my $child, '-|') { binmode($child...
/usr/bin/perl"is the standard way to invoke a perl program from the shell."$regexp = shift;"saves the first command line argument as the regexp to be used, leaving the rest of the command line arguments to be treated as files."while (<>)"loops over all the lines in all the ...
If it finds metacharacters, Perl passes the argument to the underlying shell for interpolation. Knowing this, I could construct a shell command that did something the program does not intend. Perhaps I have a system call that seems harmless, like the call to echo: system( "/bin/echo $...
perldelta - what is new for perl 5.10.0 NAME DESCRIPTION Core Enhancements The feature pragma New -E command-line switch Defined-or operator Switch and Smart Match operator Regular expressions say() Lexical $_ The _ prototype UNITCHECK blocks New Pragma, mro readdir() may return a "short ...