应避免疼痛,以确保在恢复的亚急性期中得到最佳修复,可以用疼痛指导运动。 无论他们是要应对脚踝扭伤还是腘绳肌拉伤,我们都希望临床医生和物理治疗师给和平(PEACE)一个机会,也许所有软组织损伤需要的都是爱(LOVE)。 参考文献: [1] van de...
无论处理脚踝扭伤还是韧带拉伤,我们希望这篇“Bolg @ British Journal of Sports Medicine”上的这篇“Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE”文章,能鼓励临床医生给和平(PEACE)一个机会,或许所有的软组织损伤都需要爱(LOVE)。 参考文献: [1] van den Bekerom MPJ, Struijs PAA, Blankevoort L, et...
我们提出了两个新的略写词来进一步优化软组织损伤的康复过程。我们的方法包括急性护理期PEACE(和平)原则和后续管理的LOVE(爱)原则。PEACE & LOVE概述了健康教育和心理社会因素对康复的重要性。此外,虽然消炎药对疼痛和功能的恢复有好处,但我们认为其对组织的修复具有潜在的有害影响,因此我们不建议使用它们来促进软组织...
无论处理脚踝扭伤还是韧带拉伤,我们希望这篇“Bolg @ British Journal of Sports Medicine”上的这篇“Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE”文章,能鼓励临床医生给和平(PEACE)一个机会,或许所有的软组织损伤都需要爱(LOVE)。 参考文献: [1] van den Bekerom MPJ, Struijs PAA, Blankevoort L, et...
s a hazardous sport and for the vast majority, it’s just a matter of when, not if, you are going to get injured and have to sit on the sidelines. When the time comes, giveyourselfand your injury some PEACE and LOVE. Treat the injury immediately and then settle in for the long ...
I’m pretty darn paranoid (but am I paranoid enough?), the other day I left work at about 12:45 am and got on the highway. I set my cruise for 80 so I don’t get a ticket (I love AZ), and passed a guy as soon as I got on the highway. ...
There has been a staggering amount of musicians that have been murdered; some of those musicians were born in Texas, while others were tragically killed In Texas. These are musicians that we've lost too soon but we still love in Texas. ...
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If you have lost yourself in parenthood, begin with carving. Baby step by baby step, get back to something you love. By so doing, your kids will learn that becoming an adult doesn’t mean you lose yourself or that you are too afraid to try something new. After all, you don’t want...
Perhaps naive then -- "I figured I was in college and my tuition was paid for by my sport, so you love me for me, right?" -- Sheridan now understands better his parents' struggle to accept his sexual orientation. He is the baby of the family and the golden child, the good-looking...