3 Fousekis K, Tsepis E. Minor Soft Tissue Injuries may need PEACE in the Acute Phase, but Moderate and Severe Injuries Require CARE. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. 2021 Dec;20(4):799. [1] 4 Bleakley CM, Dav...
无论处理脚踝扭伤还是韧带拉伤,我们希望这篇“Bolg @ British Journal of Sports Medicine”上的这篇“Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE”文章,能鼓励临床医生给和平(PEACE)一个机会,或许所有的软组织损伤都需要爱(LOVE)。 -END- 参考文献: [1] van den Bekerom MPJ, Struijs PAA, Blankevoort...
无论处理脚踝扭伤还是韧带拉伤,我们希望这篇“Bolg @ British Journal of Sports Medicine”上的这篇“Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE”文章,能鼓励临床医生给和平(PEACE)一个机会,或许所有的软组织损伤都需要爱(LOVE)。 -END- 参考文献: [1] ...
面对如此高的伤病率,有效的伤害管理(Injury Management)策略显得尤为重要。今天,我们将探讨舞蹈伤病管理的最新指南:PEACE and LOVE 原则,这一方法不仅能帮助舞者更好地应对急性伤病(Acute Injuries),还能有效促进长期康复(Long-term Rehabilitation)。 从RICE到PEACE and LOVE: 舞蹈医学的新突破 过去几十年间,舞者在受...
与其他损伤相似,临床医生应着眼于长期的结果。无论处理脚踝扭伤还是韧带拉伤,我们希望这篇“Bolg @ British Journal of Sports Medicine”上的这篇“Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE”文章,能鼓励临床医生给和平(PEACE)一个机会,或许所有的软组织损伤都需要爱(LOVE)。
与其他损伤相似,临床医生应着眼于长期的结果。无论处理脚踝扭伤还是韧带拉伤,我们希望这篇“Bolg @ British Journal of Sports Medicine”上的这篇“Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE”文章,能鼓励临床医生给和平(PEACE)一个机会,或许所有的软组织损伤都需要爱(LOVE)。
injurysportsRehabilitation of soft-tissue injuries can be complex. Over the years, acronyms guiding their management have evolved from ICE to RICE, then on to PRICE and POLICE.1 Although widely known, these previous acronyms focus on acute management, unfortunately ignoring subacute and chronic ...
injury like ankle strain or muscle strain short term care RICE; PRICE; POLICE; PEACE & LOVE guide 指导 P: protection avoid activities and movements that in crease pain during the first few days after injury. E:elevation elevate the injured limb higher than the heart as often as possible. ...
Intentionally, the two individual acronyms represent what athletes should do in the immediate hours and days after a soft tissue injury (PEACE) and then what to do after the first few critical days (LOVE). Rather than simply regurgitate what you can read on your own (we’re all adults, it...
4– Your mind may or may not become calm. If it does, this may only be short-lived. It may become filled with thoughts or powerful emotions such as fear, anger, stress or love. These may also be fleeting. Whatever happens, observe without reacting or trying to change anything. Gently ...