文献阅读——PD-1 combination therapy with IL-2 modifies CD8+ T cell exhaustion program goblin7 205082 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 1. Background 1.1作者简介 1.2 相关背景 2. Methods 3. Results 关键词: 联合治疗、PD-1、 IL-2、 CD5 1. Background 1.1作者简介 这篇文章是由美国埃默里大学...
众所周知,anti-PD-1联合anti-CTLA-4可以显著提高二者疗效,但因为治疗引起免疫相关副作用,限制了二者联合用药的广泛使用。 *CheckMate 067 Median OS (minimum follow-up, 6.5 years) was 72.1, 36.9, and 19.9 months in the combination, nivolumab, and ipilimumab groups PD-1/CTLA-4双抗,希望实现1+1>2的...
参考资料 [1]Cheng X,et al.Successful Treatment of pMMR MSS IVB Colorectal Cancer Using Anti-VEGF and Anti-PD-1 Therapy in Combination of Gut Microbiota Transplantation: A Case Report. Cureus. 2023 Jul 24;15(7):e42347.https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10445052/ ...
[4]Ganju V,Cooper A,Gao B, et al.A first-in-human phase I dose escalation of YH001, an anti-CTLA4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) in combination with toripalimab (anti-PD-1 mAb) in patients with advanced solid tumors[J]Journal of clinical oncology,2021. [5]Chen M,Hua Y,You R, et al...
IL-2( NCT03835533,NCT03138889)、IL-15(NCT02452268:A Phase I/Ib Study of NIZ985 in Combination With PDR001 in Adults With Metastatic Cancers)。简评:PD-1算是肿瘤治疗百年难遇的神药,后PD-1时代,基于PD-1/PD-L1的联合治疗是药物开发及临床使用的重点。但联合治疗的一个主要问题:毒性...主...
PD-1全称为Cell Death protein,扮演着在抑制免疫反应和促进自我耐受方面的关键角色。PD-1通过调节T细胞活性、激活抗原特异性T细胞凋亡及抑制调节性T细胞的凋亡等途径发挥作用。PD-L1是一种参与免疫应答共同抑制因子的跨膜蛋白,能与PD-1结合以减少PD-1阳性细胞的增殖,抑制细胞因子分泌并诱导细胞凋亡。PD-...
Combination therapy with PD-1 blockade and IL-2 is highly effective during chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection1. Here we examine the underlying basis for this synergy. We show that PD-1 + IL-2 combination therapy, in contrast t
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参考文献:Yi M, Zheng X, Niu M, Zhu S, Ge H, Wu K. Combination strategies with PD-1/PD-L1 blockade: current advances and future directions. Mol Cancer. 2022 Jan 21;21(1):28. doi: 10.1186/s12943-021-01489-2. PMID: 35062949...
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