通过在里面 Red Dead Reddit的一个子版块让粉丝们讨论游戏的价格,揭示了玩家之间的不同观点。虽然有些人认为这款游戏定价过高,尤其是在等待了14年之后,但其他人认为价格是合理的。一些人还将价格描述为预期的价格 ; 一位Reddit用户解释说,如果游戏在14年前在PC上发布,他们将支付这笔费用。然而,另一位评论者当游...
而体重的变化会影响角色的生命值和体力。根据海外知名论坛 Reddit 上的玩家“jimmyoneshot”的发现,在PC版《荒野大镖客2》中角色的体重比 PS4 版减少的速度快了很多!不管怎么吃,亚瑟似乎一直处于饥饿的状态! “jimmyoneshot”经过了大量的测试后,他发现:PC 版角色体力和体重下降的速度大约是 PS4 版的四倍!后来他...
电脑越好,主角越容易饿,玩家发现《荒野大镖客2》PC版的神奇BUG R星旗下大作《荒野大镖客2(Red Dead Redemption 2)》PC版推出后,各种模组层出不穷。博士之前在《以动物视角体验西部世界,这个PC版<荒野大镖客2>模组很好玩》等等文章中和大家分享了不少好玩的游戏MOD。不过,今天博士不是来分享模组的,而是和大家聊聊...
不过,即便你关掉部分特效来取得稳定帧数,你也会遭遇一个神秘的BUG…...那就是亚瑟将永无饱食之日。 众所皆知,在《荒野大镖客2》有著所谓的「体重机制」,角色会随着玩家吃东西的卡路里和时间而逐步增减体重,而随着体重的变化,也会影响你的生命值和体力。 不过,根据Reddit论坛玩家jimmyoneshot发现,在PC版亚瑟核心槽...
That’s assuming you can run the game, of course. I haven’t had any major issues, but I’ve seen scattered reports (mainly onReddit) of high CPU usage and crashes. Switching to DirectX 12 (from Vulkan) seemingly improved performance for some people, though not everyone. I’d also caut...
关于《Bonaire》这件事,后来Reddit玩家联系到了澳大利亚分级机构,官方解释说理由是因为目前没有游戏叫Bonaire。因此R星以“Red Dead Redemption 2”的名字重新申请。奇怪的是,这一次再次被拒。 那么问题来了:为什么R星一直想让一个已经发售了游戏获得澳大利亚政府的评级?外媒揣测这可能是传闻中的《荒野大镖客2》PC版或...
2019 Facebook Twitter RedditRed Dead Redemption 2 is finally out on PC, a little more than a year after launch. By Rockstar’s standards, this is actually earlier than expected. Grand Theft Auto V took more than two years to make its way over to the platform of choice. And the ...
Reddit user theinsightfulwatcher found a LinkedIn profile of a Rockstar Leeds programmer which shows PC among the Red Dead Redemption 2 platforms. While a release date has yet to be confirmed, it's now pretty much assured that the game will be coming to PC. Related Story Red Dead Redemption...
Facebook Twitter RedditRockstar Games seems to be working on bringing the original Red Dead Redemption to PC. Spotted by X user Tez2, the files in a recent update of Rockstar’s game launcher contains strings that indicate that Red Dead Redemption is coming to PC. “Journey across the ...
According to several Reddit forums, there are some bugs afoot. Some of them are show stoppers, but mine weren’t that bad. My flavor of bug was the game seizing up for 8-10 seconds every so often (every so often being sometimes as infrequently as once in twenty minutes, and as frequen...