Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) or percutaneous biopsy of an adnexal mass is not routinely recommended, as it may delay diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer. Instead, if a clinical suggestion of ovarian cancer is present, the patient should undergo laparoscopic evaluation or laparotomy, based on ...
Ovarian Cancer: Advances in Pathophysiology and Therapiesdoi:10.3390/ijms24108930OVARIAN cancerNUCLEAR factor E2 related factorPACLITAXELPEROXISOME proliferator-activated receptorsPATHOLOGICAL physiologyTossetta, GiovanniInversetti, AnnalisaInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences...
Earlier puberty is also associated with increased risk for other reproductive cancers: endometrial and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men [29]. The relationship of pubertal timing and cardiovascular disease is more complex; in women, both earlier and later age at menarche are ...
FGF receptors (FGFRs) are involved in the pathogenesis of cancer and skeletal disorders. Experiments in model systems have shown that FGFR-specific inhibitors may be valuable in treating multiple myeloma, bladder and endometrial cancers. FGF1, FGF2 and FGF4 have been studied in clinical trials fo...
Preeclampsia is a systemic vascular disorder characterized by new-onset hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation. This condition targets several organs, including the kidneys, liver and brain, and is the leading cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, recent...
Inflammation, Infection, Cancer and All That…The Role of Paraoxonases Chapter 1Introduction The paraoxonases PON1, PON2, and PON3 are members of esterase family enzymes and are highly conserved within and between species (figure1) (Teiberet al.2018). Phylogenetic analysis has revealed that PON...
6A-E. TCGA PANCAN gene expression data of the genes of interest. Includes also sample ID and cancer type information. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE 4 Data used to generate Figs. 6A and 6C (see TABs). X1, X2 and X3 correspond to the UMAP calculation as X1=UMAP1, X2=UMAP2, X3=UMAP3. ...
Ovarian cancer represents one of the most common malignant conditions in adult women [1,2]. The macroscopic morphology of ovarian cancer is in most cases multi-cystic, regardless of histologic subtypes. On the other hand, the pathogenesis of ovarian cancers differs in histologic types, genetic bac...
anemia of chronic disease; anemia of inflammation; iron; hepcidin; erythropoietin; infection; cancer; chronic kidney disease; chronic heart failure; auto-immune disease; macrophage 1. Introduction Anemia is common in patients with acute or chronic inflammatory disorders, and termed as anemia of ...
Study subjects wore two 60 cm2 patches, each of which delivered 2.4 mg of testosterone per day. More than 90% of patients had PSA concentrations below 2 ng/mL during the 6-year study, and no prostate cancer was found in patients over the course of the trial. See Treatment and ...