Skill Points per Level: 5 Level 1 Base Attack Bonus: None Rogue Subclasses Eldritch Scoundrel– Good at casting spells but bad at Sneak Attacks. Knife Master– They are an expert at Sneak Attack but have no Danger Sense and Trapfinding. Rowdy– They have the ability to deal extra damage, ...
for some reason assassins were not getting the death attack feat - they now do, respec if you have an assassin [Aug 21 2022] - Zusuk added messages to death attack parlysis so attacker, victim & observers know what is going on added a slight level bonus difference and some other modifie...
As a Rogue, you should max Use Magic Device (it’s the best skill in the game), and thus you could be a kind of mini-caster of your own by using wands, but damage-dealing wands are usually a bad choice so doing that probably wouldn’t have helped you. U...
(', ','\n').replace('; ','\n') }} {{ plus(statblock.fortitude.value) }} {{ statblock.fortitude.note }} {{ plus(statblock.reflex.value) }} {{ statblock.reflex.note }} {{ plus(statblock.will.value) }} {{ statblock.will.note }} {{ }} {{ plus(skill....
Skill Points: 6 = [Base (4) + INT (1)/Level; FC (0), Misc (0)] (Synthesist 2) ~ = [Base (0) + INT (0)/Level; FC (0), Misc (0)] (Monk -) Skills Total Rank CS Ability ACP Misc Acrobatics 1/2 1 0 0/1 -0 +0 Appraise 1 0 0 1 +0 Bluff 1 0 0 1 +0 Climb...
Shadowcraft I-V (Sp)You can craft things from material drawn from the shadow plane. You learn the following magical tricks. CL equals your shadowdancer levels +5, DCs are Charisma-based. 2nd: Silent Image at will but the illusions must involve shadows or reflections cast on surfaces....
This is a spell you will have at the very start of the game. This skill is available from level 1. It’s also likely to be used more often than any other spell in the game. This spell gives you a very healthy bonus of +2 to armor class. You should grab this spell once it gets...
To craft those consumables you need either Brew Potion or Scribe Scrolls feats. Potions and scrolls are self-descriptive. Depending on ingredients and character's level/skill you can get different kinds of potions and scrolls. Creating a potion or a scroll might take up to 5 days (depending ...
For downtime, turns out anyone can craft, because it's a skill and 2 skill feats to invent magic items. That's the point of skills, anyone can do it and it gets easier as you level through item bonuses and fast proficiency scaling. Your level 16 wizard with 21 int and legendary cra...
in my new campaign i'm doubling the cost of all magic items... if you can find someone to sell them in the first place. on top of that, full casters are very rare and there's currently no-one above level six to craft stuff in any case. on the flip side, there's plenty of ol...