LevelFeats 1Counterspell, Dangerous Sorcery, Familiar, Reach Spell, Widen Spell 2Cantrip Expansion, Enhanced Familiar 4Arcane Evolution, Bespell Weapon, Divine Evolution, Occult Evolution, Primal Evolution 6Advanced Bloodline, Steady Spellcasting
All rules content for Pathfinder Second Edition, including all creatures, hazards, items, actions, feats, spells from all official sources A fully-featured character sheet that calculates modifiers and tracks feat choices so that you don't have to, with dedicated support for vital functionality suc...
Ancestry feats You can select Elf, Half Elf, and Human feats whenever you gain an Ancestry Feat Half Orc Pathfinder Heritage Just like their Elven cousins, the Half Orc Pathfinder race functions as a ‘Heritage’ within the Human race. Also like them, Half Orcs are the children of an Orc...
In the Classes section, each and every class has a reminder for Ancestry Feats, General Skill Feats, Class Feats and so forth。 Really if you're a GM scrolling through these sections it begins to look like an extraordinary waste of space when the rules for these class and ancestry attribute...
's what Scribe Scroll is for. Forget other item creation feats, those are for NPC's, a mechanic to explain why YOMS is a Sears/Robuck (erm, I mean, Amazon [sorry, my age is showing]) catalog of everything you could want; to get away from the oft-abused DM fiat of 1E & 2E...
Generic attribute or skill bonuses are boring from a role play perspective, until you use the skill or ability that benefits, but by then it's not associated with the sword, it's "I have a +14 to hit" not "I would have missed without my awesome longsword of hittiness!" That's ...