Makes Druids learn every single spell before being able to add them to prepared list, despite Druids automatically having access to all spells from their list. When adding them to known spells it makes you choose a spell level, pointless for most classes since that's only used for prep and...
Even for Clerics, they are only "option stunlocked" by a need to review a big list when they get access to a new rank of spell. More to the point, that is what players sign up for when selecting the class. It is no coincidence that Clerics and Druids have Champions and Rangers ...
Druids (First Edition) Although also a divine spellcaster, adruidmay or may not find herself naturally gravitating toward a particular domain as does the cleric; those who do find an affinity with a particular domain similarly receive additional abilities with the divine energies of that domain.26...
Pathfinder 2e is coming out, with some interesting changes, in addition to keeping everything in line with the new ORC License. My understanding is that all the 2nd edition books will stay valid, and any changes will be…
Main article:Spell A spell is a one-time magical effect brought into being, or "cast", typically by aspellcaster. Some spellcasters select their spells from a limited list of known spells, while others have access to a less limited array of options. ...