UntamedBarbarianandDruidMorphs pp. 56–57 WardenSpellsandRangerFeats pp. 58–60 Witchesof the Wild pp. 61–63 ZoophonicBards pp. 64–65 BeastmasterArchetype Expansion pp. 66–67 ClawdancerArchetype pp. 68–69 Ostilli HostArchetype ...
A new 20-level base class, the shifter, puts animalistic powers into the hands—or claws—of player characters and villains alike, with new class features derived from animalistic attributes. Overviews of druidic sects and rituals, as well as new archetypes, character options, spells, and more...
Additionally, the bloodstone can’t store spell-like abilities that duplicate spells with expensive components costing more than 250 gp. The save DC, caster level, and other attributes of this ability remain the same as when the creature was still alive, though the creature who activate...
To me, the answer seems obviously no, since the description outright spells out that they only keep the bonus as long as they are in their bestial form, and Wild Shape makes the druid assume a different form. However, my players are adamant that the druid should keep the racial bonus and...
A druid blasting the alchemist with a 3rd level sudden bolt would have been equally or more effective than summoning a leopard using 3 actions and a sustain action every round. Summon animal only has a range of 30 feet, sudden bolt 60 feet. So not sure why your druid chose summon animal...
Pathfinder Druid Key Ability Wisdom Class Features Primal spells, Druidic language Notable Initial Proficiencies Nature, primal spell attacks Base HP 8 Green-thumbed roleplayers may be tempted by the Pathfinder Druid, who harnesses the mighty power of nature to bring ruin to their enemies and beau...
person group with a gnome monk, gnome druid and undead sorcerer.. Up to around 7th level, and we haven't died yet. You don't have to 'optimize' characters to be useful to the party. You just have to think quick and be creative! As for your CG/LE switch... I'm REALLY ...
(alchemist,barbarian,bard,cleric,druid,fighter,inquisitor,magus,monk,paladin,ranger,rogue,sorcerer, andwizard, each with three optional archetypes; sixprestige classes(arcane trickster,dragon disciple,duelist,eldritch knight,mystic theurge, andstalwart defender); over 150 feats and over 300 spells. ...
A pack of awakeneddire wolvesfrom theWilewoodclaimed an abandoned village in theRiver KingdomofSevenarches, which they call theDen.5The awakenedmammothHillstomperguards a mammoth graveyard in theStolen Landsof the River Kingdoms; he shares a commondruidicprogenitor with the awakenedhorseWindchaser.6...
The spell list mostly revolves around negating enemy effects, attacks, and RNG. Regular spells are lifted straight from the Inquisitor spell list pretty much, so again, they complement Shifter druids the most. The main problem is mythic level pacing. Realistically, all that really matters is wha...