CNN has proven a last-breaking performance in various fields, such as object recognition, and has also gained more attention in brain imaging, especially in tissue and brain segmentation. In this paper, an automated technique for MS lesion segmentation is proposed, which is built on a 3D patch...
2 Related Hard-lable Attack 作者首先简单回顾一下针对CNN的hard-label attack: Boundary Attack:以高斯噪声初始化,每次沿两个方向移动:soucre direction和spherical direction,公式描述为:xnew∗=x∗+δ⋅η||η||2+ϵ⋅x−x∗||x−x∗||2,η∼N(0,I) 其中eta为spherical direction,δ为...
through a CNN classifier (Ciresan et al. 2012). Doing this for each pixel produces the segmente...
through a CNN classifier (Ciresan et al. 2012). Doing this for each pixel produces the segmente...
网络来分类x_i,i∈{1,…,I},我们的分类方法结合patch-wise分类和object-based voting 如何自动的选择训练样本(根据输出选择高于阈值的...作为preferred candidates。 一种混合的土地覆盖分类算法:地物的类别和边界信息是准确分类的基础,结合patch-wise classification and 遥感图像论文阅读笔记 pre-trained CNN model...
pre-trained CNN model is utilized to classify the image in apatch-wisemanner. The patches with high... supervised informationforfine-tuning the pre-traineddeepmodel. 伪标签的生成示意图 (2)多尺度的方法,图像分片处理的方法 Deep Learning for Brain MRI Segmentation: State of the Art and Future Di...
MRI Tumor Segmentation with Densely Connected 3D CNN Glioma is one of the most common and aggressive types of primary brain tumors. The accurate segmentation of subcortical brain structures is crucial to the ... L Chen,Y Wu,AM Dsouza,... - Department of Computer Science University of Rocheste...
PPformer, for low-light image enhancement. PPformer is a CNN-transformer hybrid network that is divided into three parts: local-branch, global-branch, and Dual Cross-Attention. Each part plays a vital role in PPformer. Specifically, the local-branch extracts local structural information using a...
Unlike CNNs, which depend on local receptive fields, the self-attention layer gathers insights and features from the entire input sequence, allowing it to capture both local and global information. This unique characteristic distinguishes self-attention from CNNs, as it promotes a more comprehensive...