图1 ViT和CNN的对抗鲁棒性对比 使用基于决策的方法攻击ViT存在两方面困难。第一方面源自ViT的结构特征。首先,ViT相对于CNN对低级特征的关注较少,导致ViT的整体噪声敏感性较低。针对ViT的决策攻击需要添加更大量级的随机噪声来寻找初始对抗样...
In this paper, an automated technique for MS lesion segmentation is proposed, which is built on a 3D patch-wise R-CNN. The proposed system includes two stages: first, segmenting MS lesions in T2-w and FLAIR sequences using R-CNN, then an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is...
我理解的patchwise training是指对每一个感兴趣的像素,以它为中心取一个patch,然后输入网络,输出则为...
我理解的patchwise training是指对每一个感兴趣的像素,以它为中心取一个patch,然后输入网络,输出则为...
算法名为Patch-wise Adversarial Removal (PAR)。 1 Introduction 随着ViT在CV领域的火热,对抗攻击也被应用在ViT上评估鲁棒性。现有的针对ViT的攻击主要是白盒和迁移黑盒攻击,还没有专门的查询黑盒攻击,以往针对CNN的黑盒攻击在ViT上效果也比较差。ViT将图像划分成若干非重叠patch(后续的ViT文章似乎也讨论了重叠情况...
【论文笔记】Patch-wise Attack for Fooling Deep Neural Network & Patch-wise++ Perturbation Targeted Attacks,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
[最近成果] Patch-wise Attack for Fooling Deep Neural Network (ECCV2020),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Given an input image of any size, a FCNN produces an output having the same spatial support (possibly re-sampled) and predicting a value associated to each input pixel (or each group of pixels). For instance, the tasks of image segmentation and prediction require a pixel-wise (or a ...
Encoder-Decoder采用的是纯MLP结构,类似于Mixer,使用channel-wise、intra-wise、inter-wise三种类型的MLP进行embedding维度、patch内部、patch间的信息提取。 3 多尺寸Patch-Transformer 论文标题:Multi-resolution Time-Series Transformer for Long-term Forecasting ...