function foo() { } var bar; var bazz; to function foo() { var bar; var bazz; } In vim what I normally do is: 1) go to the line 2) switch to visual mode 3) highlight the rows 4)ddto delete the lines 5) move the cursor up 6)Pto paste 7) enter visual mo...
I use vim 9, I don't know for which older vim version that works. If that doesn't work, you can put these lines in your.vimrc: " Make p in Visual mode replace the selected text with the "" register. vnoremap p <Esc>:let current_reg = @"<CR>gvdi<C-R>=current_reg<CR><E...
$ echo'hello'|tr-s'l'# 将输入文本,全部转换为大写或小写输出 $ echo'input some text here'|tr'[:lower:]''[:upper:]'# 上面的'[:lower:]''[:upper:]'你也可以简单的写作'[a-z]''[A-Z]',当然反过来将大写变小写也是可以的 2. col命令 TAB 空格转换 col 命令可以将Tab换成对等数量的空格...
copy to android clipboard in nvim from termux I use neovim on termux on android 11 i commonly use :y to yank/copy text to nvim clipboard then paste it to another files recently I've tried using helix-editor(hx) looks and feels so similar to ... ...
But when I write something in kitty term in russian and copy-paste this back it looks good, not escaped. And when I run vim inside kitty and paste in insert mode withCtrl+Shift+V, then pasted text is escaped. But if I paste from register in normal mode ("+p), then everything is...
Install via your favorite plugin manager. For example, using lazy.nvim: {'minamorl/nvim-clean-paste'} Usage The plugin provides a custom functionclean_paste()that can be used to clean the text in the default register (") or the system clipboard register (*or+). ...
cut一般格式为: cut [options] file1 file2 下面介绍其可用参数 -c list 指定剪切字符数 -f field 指定剪切域数 -d 指定与空格和tab键不同的域分割符 -c 用来指定剪切范围,如下所示: -c1-50 剪切前50个字符 -c1,5-7 剪切第1个字符,然后是5到第7个字符 ...
To address the first question, the point of mapping <C-c> is to be able to copy large blocks of text from vim into another application. I use this to copy from vim into an rdesktop session, for example. But my point in the above "todo" is that the tip needs to read coherently fo...
Copy and paste shortcuts not working on macOS Sonoma The cv shortcut key on macos sonoma idea can be copied but pasted fails. Original report 复制粘贴快捷键失灵 macos sonoma idea上面的cv快捷键,可以复制但是粘贴失灵 is always command^ shown. See screenshot....
vimdot(1) vimtutor(1) vipw(1B) vmmouse_detect(1) vncconfig(1) vncpasswd(1) vncserver(1) vncviewer(1) volcheck(1) volrmmount(1) vp(1) w(1) wait(1) Wand-config(1) watchgnupg(1) wbinfo(1) wc(1) wc(1g) webalizer(1) webpng(1) werl(1) wftopfa(1) wget(1) what(1) wha...