The setreg function sets the register of which the name is given as first argument (as a string), initializes it with the contents of the second argument (and you can use registers as variables with the name @x where x is the register name in VimL), and turns it into the mode spec...
I saw a solution where they asked to enter<Ctrl-R><Shift-">to paste the yanked lines in the vim command prompt, however I am having the following problems: When I try like,:tabnewand then type<Ctrl-R><Shift-">, whatever yanked line gets pasted after :tabnew line.Eg...
A step-by-step, guide on how to switch to the previous or next tab in VS Code, including how to switch by index.
If you copy and paste code from a Word document, make sure it has no "curly quotes," which aren't valid in code. If it does, change them back to normal quotes (' and "). Alternatively, rely on the Learn Authoring Pack, smart quotes replacement feature. In-repo snippet references The...
8 How to move a paragraph and paste it without an initial newline first 3 Is there a way to paste at multiple locations/lines in vim? 2 better copy-paste multiple lines in visual mode where vim pastes after that visual chunk of code 0 Yank across multiple lines wit...
TheVi/Vimeditor comes with two modes:CommandandInsert. InCommandmode you can use keyboard keys to copy, paste, delete, navigate, and do a number of various tasks except entering text. InInsertmode, you can write text to file, use the Enter key to go to a new line, and use the arro...
5.Paste lines that were previously cut or copied: press thePkey while in command mode. 6.To insert the contents of another file into the current one: :r filename For example, to insert the contents of/etc/fstab, do: Insert Content of File in vi Editor ...
In Powershell, I noticed that ctrl+shift+v pastes the contents of the clipboard. ctrl+shift+c does not copy anything, it just falls back to ctrl+c which is mapped to esc. In my Ubuntu terminal, however, ctrl+shift+v does not paste. It se...
Other Functions: Esc to cancel search or hide the window, Ctrl+Q to exit, F5 for the action dialog, Enter to copy and paste items, and Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+9, Ctrl+0 for tab focus. Change Shortcuts To change shortcuts in CopyQ:
Vim appears to be deleting a byte instead of the entire Chinese character. The same problem appears when I try to delete a character within the string above. This problem only appears with lisp files (i.e. Scheme, Common Lisp, Clojure), and not with non-code files. Surprisingly, deleting...