P-> 当前光标上粘贴 (paste above) “{a-zA-Z}p-> 将某个寄存的内容贴出来 (paste from register) 例如“ap那么就在当前光标下贴出我之前在寄存a中 的内容。“bP就在当前光标上贴出我之前寄存b的内容 “*p-> 从系统的剪贴板中读取信息贴入vim (paste from OS buffer to vim) reg-> 显示所有寄存中...
"+2yy– 复制两行 {Visual}"+y- copy the selected text into the system clipboard "+y{motion}- copy the text specified by {motion} into the system clipboard :[range]yank +- copy the text specified by[range]into the system clipboard vim剪切到系统剪贴板 "+dd– 剪切一行 从系统剪贴板粘贴...
“{a-zA-Z}p -> 将某个寄存的内容贴出来 (paste from register) 例如“ap那么就在当前光标下贴出我之前在寄存a中 的内容。“bP就在当前光标上贴出我之前寄存b的内容 “*p -> 从系统的剪贴板中读取信息贴入vim (paste from OS buffer to vim) reg -> 显示所有寄存中的内容 (list all registers) 书...
set num- Sets the line numbers. set paste- Pastes a bulk of text from some other location. To move forward and backward for one fullscreen: Ctrl+f- moves forward by fullscreen. Ctrl+b- moves backward by fullscreen. Intermediate commands I have written three advanced commands that I use ...
ATTENTION: The commands in the lessons will modify the text. Make a copy of this file to practise on (if you started "vimtutor" this is already a copy). 注意: 本课程中的命令会改变本文的内容,请创建一个副本来练习(如果你用命令“vimtutor" 开始,本文已经是自动生成的副本了)。 注:创建副本的...
When performing copy, cut, and paste with commands like y, d, and p, by default Vim uses its own location for this, called the unnamed register (:help quotequote). Note that this is different from what most modern ...
y^to copy everything from start of the line to the cursor. yiwto copy the current word. Once you’ve cut with one of these commands, you can pressPorpto paste where you would like. Copy and paste vim terminology In this article we’ve usedV,d,y, andP, amongst others. ...
system-copy uses default copy and paste command based on your OS, but you can override either of these commands if you have more specific needs.To declare custom copy command use following example:let g:system_copy#copy_command='xclip -sel clipboard'...
命令行模式支持使用扩展命令(ex commands)的特性(:开启) 举例一些常用的扩展命令 :colorscheme查看vim当前使用的主题 edit编辑文件,后面跟上文件路径就可以打开一个新的buffer来编辑文件 编辑文件扩展命令 :edit{relative-path-to-file} 执行这个命令后如果不存在文件那么就会新建一个再打开,这个命令的简写是:e ...
User Commands VIM(1) NAME vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor SYNOPSIS vim [options] [file ..] vim [options] - vim [options] -t tag vim [options] -q [errorfile] ex view gvim gview evim eview rvim rview rgvim rgview DESCRIPTION Vim is a text editor that is upwards comp...