Your password must include the URL of a * minute * second long YouTube video. 你的密码必须包含一个*分*秒长的YouTube视频的URL。 千万别忘了喂鸡! 这个Rule我并没有想到太好的解决方法。 较为方便的方法是,在youtube中搜索"* minute",在搜索结果中一个个查看有没有符合的。 另外,在成功找到后,请...
24、Your password must include the URL of a ? minute ? second long YouTube video:包含一个指定时长的YouTube视频的URL 注意!要记得喂虫子!不管想什么找什么都要喂虫子! 这条也很烦,本人的方法是在YouTube上搜索“?min”(?为你需要找的分钟数),然后再筛选过滤一下,但依旧很靠运气找,需要耐心,需要记性...
这里建议直接在谷歌搜索 :url of a XX:XX(规定时长)long youtube video,慢慢找吧 但是,不要以为你找到了规定时长的视频就OK了 因为这个url里可能会包含:数字,大写的V X L C D M,以及新的元素 数字可能会直接撑爆你的数字池导致违反规则5,而跟罗马数字冲突的大写字母会让你违反规则9 而且这个链接是大小...
When I began researching the YouTube giveaway scams, I expected to find a cold trail. It's been over a year since ThioJoe, a tech news and education channel with nearly 3 million subscribers, posted his first video on his experience trying to remove hundreds of impersonators from his vid...
Rule 24Your password must include the URL of a xx minute yy second long YouTube video. Rule 25A sacrifice must be made. Pick 2 letters that you will no longer be able to use. Rule 26Your password must contain twice as many italic characters as bold. ...
Q24:Your password must include the URL of a [xx min xx sec ] long YouTube video. At this point, honestly, I strongly advise you to say, “Sod this,” and walk away! SERIOUSLY! It asks for a video of a specific length, for instance, 20 minutes and 15 seconds. ...
If using API, add 'verbose': True to YoutubeDL params instead Copy the WHOLE output (starting with [debug] Command-line config) and insert it below Complete Verbose Output # using .netrc authentication ~ yt-dlp -vU Also we need to know " Is their any licensing involved to enable this service"/ Is this a recommended method to do the task (AD user password reset throug web browser). All replies (5) Thursday, February 21, 2019 10:48 AM ✅Answered ...
'password = InputBox("What do you want your Password to be?") If TextBox1.Text = username And TextBox2.Text = password Then MsgBox("You are logged in ") Form2.Show() Else MsgBox("Sorry Wrong Username and or Password") End If End SubPrivate...
Rule 24– Your password must include the URL of X minute and X second-long YouTube video (random video length) Rule 25 – A sacrifice must be made. Pick two letters that you will no longer be able to use Rule 26 – Your password must contain twice as many italic characters as bold ...