When I began researching the YouTube giveaway scams, I expected to find a cold trail. It's been over a year since ThioJoe, a tech news and education channel with nearly 3 million subscribers, posted his first video on his experience trying to remove hundreds of impersonators from his vide...
So imagine your input is one of the first eight letters of the alphabet or digits. The hash might give you a 256bit string output… But you are only ever going to get the same eight 256bit strings… So no more secure at the output than at the input at all. I call it “magic pix...
'username = InputBox("What do you want your Username to be?") 'password = InputBox("What do you want your Password to be?") If TextBox1.Text = username And TextBox2.Text = password Then MsgBox("You are logged in ") Form2.Show() Else MsgBox("Sorry Wrong Username and or Password...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9R9Sl6pJys Also we need to know " Is their any licensing involved to enable this service"/ Is this a recommended method to do the task (AD user password reset throug web browser). All replies (5) Thursday, February 21, 2019 10:48 AM ✅Answered ...