Your password must include the URL of a * minute * second long YouTube video. 你的密码必须包含一个*分*秒长的YouTube视频的URL。 千万别忘了喂鸡! 这个Rule我并没有想到太好的解决方法。 较为方便的方法是,在youtube中搜索"* minute",在搜索结果中一个个查看有没有符合的。 另外,在成功找到后,请...
You must meet35 rules inThe Password Gameto beat this odd browser game. Your password will likely start as something simple, meeting basic requirements such as being five characters long and including a number, but it will soon become utter chaos. Very few players have beatenThe Password Game,...
This fun site is type of like the porn matching of a choose-your-own-adventure video game. It lets you take pleasure in interactive motion pictures... Families passwords/Matures passwords August 15, 2024 Pervmom Passwords Many a nasty story has been outlined so-called evil stepmothers. But so...
24、Your password must include the URL of a ? minute ? second long YouTube video:包含一个指定时长的YouTube视频的URL 注意!要记得喂虫子!不管想什么找什么都要喂虫子! 这条也很烦,本人的方法是在YouTube上搜索“?min”(?为你需要找的分钟数),然后再筛选过滤一下,但依旧很靠运气找,需要耐心,需要记性...
Your password must include the URL of a # minute ## second long YouTube video. (Length is randomly generated) A sacrifice must be made. Pick 2 letters that you will no longer be able to use. Your password must contain twice as many italic characters as bold. ...
Complex python script that plays automatically This program is quite slow compared to console scripts. To make up for it, it has advances features that makes it able to complete most of the rules if neal ever adds new content to them this is because...
It's debatable whether consumers feel overwhelmed by the number of passwords that protect their...Kingson, Jennifer AAmerican Banker
Guest Wi-Fi is also useful if you have older devices (e.g., a Nintendo DSi game system) that can’t connect using stronger encryption like WPA2 or WPA, and can only connect with WEP. In such situations, you can have your main network using stronger security, while the guest Wi-Fi ...
Q24:Your password must include the URL of a [xx min xx sec ] long YouTube video. At this point, honestly, I strongly advise you to say, “Sod this,” and walk away! SERIOUSLY! It asks for a video of a specific length, for instance, 20 minutes and 15 seconds. ...
一般Z,J,Q是用不上的,但是注意你规则24里的url,如果冲突了就要重新找,而且这个牺牲是不可逆不可重选的,你要是没看清选错了字母,虽然不会强制gameover,但会进入无解的死局 规则26:密码中斜体字符的数量是粗体字符的两倍(两倍以上即可) 所以在规则19里为啥会建议不要偷懒把所有密码变粗体,就是因为有这么一个坑...