必应词典为您提供pass-transistor-logic的释义,网络释义: 通道晶体管逻辑;传输逻辑;传输管电路;
aPseudo-NMOS, static complementary CMOS, pass-transistor logic, differential logic: logic gate design and parameters, SPICE simulation 冒充NMOS,静态补全CMOS,通过晶体管逻辑,有差别的逻辑: 逻辑门设计和参量,香料模仿[translate]
VLSICircuitsDesignPassTransistorLogic WangYong-sheng yswang@hit.edu.cn HarbinInstituteofTechnologyMicroelectronicsCenter Review:StaticComplementaryCMOSHITMicroelectronics Highnoisemargins VOHandVOLareatVDDandGND,respectivelyVDD Lowoutputimpedance,high In1 inputimpedance In2 PUN Nostaticpowerconsumption InN F(In1,...
Recently reported logic style comparisons based on full-adder circuits claimed complementary pass-transistor logic (CPL) to be much more power-efficient than complementary CMOS. However, new comparisons performed on more efficient CMOS circuit realizations and a wider range of different logic cells, as...
The pass-transistor mapper (PTM) is reported; this is a logic synthesis tool specifically designed for pass-transistor-based logic library that has only three basic cells. It exploits the close relationship between a binary decision diagram (BDD) representation of logic and the structure of pass-...
pass-transistor logic configuration, rather than a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor configuration. Logic gates are constructed on individual carbon nanotubes via a doping-free approach and with a single power supply at voltages as low as 0.4 V. The pass-transistor logic configurarion ...
2.1. Stack and Driver The stack consists of an NMOS-only pass transistor tree with full-swing inputs and low-swing pseudodifferential outputs to perform the required logic function, as shown in Fig. 2. The stack can implement a given Boolean expression by connecting the minterm branches of ...
Logic gates are constructed on individual carbon nanotubes via a doping-free approach and with a single power supply at voltages as low as 0.4 V. The pass- transistor logic configurarion provides a significant simplification of the carbon nanotube-based circuit design, a higher potential ...
The pass-transistor based cell library and synthesis tool are constructed, for the first time, to clarify the potential of top-down pass-transistor logic. The entire scheme is called LEAP (Lean Integration with Pass-Transistors). The feature of a pass-transistor based cell is its multiplexer fu...
We have designed 16-bit adder circuit by Carry-Select Adder (CSA) using different pass-transistor logic. The adder cells are designed by DSCH3 CAD tools and layout are generated by Microwind 3 VLSI CAD tools. Using CSA technique, the power dissipation, PDP, area, transistor count, are ...