Part B也分B1、B2。和阅读卷一样,B1简单,B2稍难,考的是把聆听资料和阅读材料结合并完成三个部分的答案。这一部分是内地学生的弱点,需要学生下功夫努力学习才能拿高分。 04口语(Speaking) 同样分为Part A和Part B,不过都是必答题。 Part A通常是4个人讨论,时间大概在8分钟左右,考试题目范围不会很广。 Part ...
Before You Start Learning French, Watch This 17:53 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】明星讲法语水平如何Celebrities Speaking French _ French Teacher Reaction 15:03 【YouTube搬运 | 法语口语】法语B1词汇测试If you know ALL these words you're at least B1 level 05:16 【YouTube搬运 | 法语口语】法语A2...
28 0 10:14 App 【雅思口语】Practice IELTS Speaking Test_ Number 2 24 0 12:26 App 【雅思听力】IELTS Listening for Plurals 77 0 30:14 App 【雅思写作】IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 _ Top Tips for 8+ with Jay! 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
It is )t~e spoflcd child of thc present century of surgeons; praise is lavished on it; it has no thults, has mercury; all is couleur de rose, and the changes are rung on the different pre- parations of the mineral." The author, in speaking thus slightingly of the members of ...
《Unit 5 Let's eat! 》单元测试卷(一) (40 分钟 100 分) 开始计时: ___ Part 1 Speaking 说(20%) 一、跟读下列字母。 (5%) QOTSPRtqrp 二、跟读下列单词。 (5%) bread egg cake fish 三、跟读下列句子。 (5%) rice juice water milk eat drink 1. I'd like some juice, pl...
28311:12 PET 2020新版官方模考题 B1 Preliminary for school trainer 2020-Test 1 Part 1&2 22219:06 PET Speaking part 2 test 2 Prepare 5 Dinara and Polen 11003:21 PET SPeaking Part1 test 2 Prepare 5 Dinara and Polen 5502:25主播信息
by:沉迷法语的阿布 45 Surfzilla-PAR AVION by:摇滚我的态度 245 Above Par-Rob Niece by:嘻哈有态度 573 Above Par-Rob Niece by:嘻哈有态度 2.9万 Par ici 3-4(A2) by:Grace加拿大 2.7万 Par ici 5-6(B1) by:Grace加拿大 3.5万 Par ici 1-2(A1) ...
IELTS Speaking Test - Part 1 - QUESTION SET: 2 Set 1|Set 2|Set 3|Set 4|Set 5|Set 6| IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics in this page: History, Living place, Reading, Accommodation, Drink, Colour, Maps, Flowers, Fast food, Friends, Neighbours, your favourite place, Leisure, Television, Ent...
酸同严她书土斯规适采打使内Part Three ofSpeaking Test ofB1 Business Preliminary is to have a conver
This method allows you to practice speaking English at your own pace from the comfort of your home whenever it fits your schedule. Along the way you'll probably pick up some useful phrases, expand your vocabulary, and even improve your pronunciation. The best It's as simple as listening and...