FCE04-Speaking Exam Part Three - Cambridge FCE Speaking Test Advice 德语记录 5 0 FCE02- Speaking Exam Part One - Cambridge FCE Speaking Test Advice 德语记录 3 0 5.How to pass the LanguageCert B1- 'Achiever' level speaking exam. B1 Test UK. 德语记录 1 0 ...
Guidance for teachers preparing candidates for Part 3 of the Speaking paper of the Cambridge Preliminary Exam. The task In Part 3 of the Speaking test the candidates are each in turn given a colour photograph and asked to talk about it for up to one minute. All photographs rel...
ifI have the money(第1种情形),thenit's quite possible thatI will watch a movie in the cinema two or three times a month.You knowcinema tickets are pretty pricey in China.(解释原因)ButifI'm broke(第2种情形),it's more likely thatI'll watch movies at home on DVD...
and this latest failing disappointed Jeff’s father so much that the man stopped speaking to his son. Then his dad died and Jeff’s still carrying the guilt with him in everything he does. Struggling to pay off some debts, Jeff shares a small flat with his brother. However, he dreams ...
Set 1|Set 2|Set 3|Set 4|Set 5|Set 6| IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics on this page: Money, Newspapers and Magazines, Art, Countryside, Age, Laughing, Food and cooking, Daily routine, Travelling to work or college, Cold weather, Keeping in contact with people, Visitors, Travelling, Televisi...
在线看FCE Speaking Exam - How to Do Part One of the.. 14分钟 53秒。26 3月 2017的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 599 — 已浏览。 158 — 已评价。
托福-Question 1 托福-Question 2 托福-Question 3 托福-Question 4 托福-Question 5 托福-Question 6 雅思-Part 1 雅思-Part 2 雅思-Part 3 求职面试-500强企业高频通用英文面试题目100道 求职面试-各大企业常用场景英文面试题目 签证面签-你是谁 签证面签-你去做什么 签证面签-你有能力去做吗 签证面签-...
剑5 Part 2 Test 1 - A well-known person 剑5 Part 2 Test 3 - A friend批改及润色体验馆 想知道您的作文、口语、文书将如何被我们的专家批改及润色吗? 查看更多 马上体验口语批改 马上体验作文批改 马上体验文书润色 作文题库: 托福-综合写作 托福-独立写作 雅思-小作文 雅思-大作文 GRE-Issue GRE...
Technically speaking this is the moment I realised that the best way to influence people’s buying behaviour is to use their unconscious mind instead of trying to deliver marketing speeches. When I thought more to analyse the billboard advertising and its effect on me, I realised that the ...
Generally speaking, this form fails to highlight 7% damage, with increased sensitivity to 14% damage, and successfully flagging 24% damage observations as outlying. False negatives for 7% occur because, at low levels of damage, the variation across the population, defined by p(Θ), is similar...