It's the place where you ... Part3和Part4共为6分钟,考官将为考生描述一个情景,要求考生根据图片中的选项进行讨论。需要在讨论中给出自己的观点和理由,并和搭档做出最后一个决定。Part4将结合Part3,考生相互讨论各自的偏好习惯。 建议在开始之前加入一两句话,从某一个选项开始开启话题。 Getting started Where...
tests _ (B1-B2 48:43 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语虚拟式LE SUBJONCTIF EN FRANÇAIS _ LEÇON COMPLÈTE 08:49 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】初级法语发音课Intensive French Pronunciation Training_ 1:02:17 【YouTube搬运 | 法语口语】初级法语入门课Learn French in 1 Hour (Beginner Course Part 2...
Here are a few more topics that you should study and practice to fluently answer the questions the examiner might ask you in your Speaking Test - Part 1. Keep in mind that the answers provided here are for reference only. You should NOT memorise them or use them in your test. You are ...
by:compasspub 475 Speaking by:zgfans 140 IELTS Speaking by:Eternity_1109 8.4万 English Speaking by:亚丁没有湾 1.2万 Speaking Time by:少儿英语大师 440 DSFORL2_Speaking by:compasspub 725 DSFORL1_Speaking by:compasspub 449 DSFORL3_Speaking ...
雅思Speaking Part 1 Trees 动动雅思杂货铺 雅思口语IELTS Speaking Part 1: Trees 1. Do you like trees?Yeah, I do. And uh, I don’t really think there’s anything not to like about them! You know, they look nice, they add more colour to a place, um… so yeah I think trees ar...
B1 by:Lemos_Hoje 1.3万 1B by:米斯特儿马 5077 1b by:子笑文化 8596 1B by:曼曼央央 3545 B by:ECHO_CUI 1131 B by:听友28341257 5492 Deutsch B1 德适 B1 by:Krokodil小鳄鱼_德语 4903 SS1B by:卓睿思教育 1523 典1b by:追梦实习生 ...
【中商原版】Writing Success Level A2+ to B1 Student's book Global ELT出版 写作成功A2+至B1级学生用书 7-12岁 英文原版 ¥98 【中商原版】Advanced Writing CEFR C1&C2 Self-study edition 高级写作C1&C2自学套装 英语考试写作 含范文 12岁以上 ¥119 剑桥通用少儿英语 Global ELT Graded Reader...
素材资源-课件资源-实用英语第三册天津版(新修订)- UnitGoals:WhatYouShouldLearntoDo 1.Introduceinsurance:typesofinsurance/usual abbreviationsininsurance 2.Discussinsurancebusiness3.Recommendinsurancetoeachother 4.Fillinaninsurancepolicy 5.Writeanoutline WhatYouShouldKnowAbout 1.Howinsurancehelpsuswhilewearein...
Part 1: Listening and Speaking Lead in The teacher is advised to talk with their students about sports events. Boys and girls, look at the posters on p36, what sports events do you like to watch? Which sports would...
The speaking part of the IELTS exam lasts from 11-14 minutes and comprises three parts. In the first part, you, the candidate, and the examiner have a short general chat. In the second part, you will be given a card with some prompts on and asked to speak about the topic for 1-2...