This paper examines mind-mindedness (a parent's tendency to represent their child in terms of mental states) in a sample of parents with a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We compared parent mind-mindedness about their child with ASD and a sibling in a similar age-range. We ...
This study of 241 parent-child dyads from the United Kingdom (N=120, M age =3.92, SD=0.53) and Hong Kong (N=121, M age =3.99, SD=0.50) breaks new ground by adopting a cross-cultural approach to investigate children's theory of mind and parental mind-mindedness. Relative to the Hon...
et al. Mothers’ and fathers’ mind-mindedness in infancy and toddlerhood predict their children’s self-regulation at preschool age. Dev. Psychol. 58(11), 2127–2139. (2022). Article PubMed Google Scholar Brummelman, E. et al. Origins of narcissism ...
Mind-mindedness in parents of pre-schoolers: A comparison between clinical and community samples clinical group mind-mindedness was related to parenting stress and in the community group it was related to children's emotional and behavioural difficulties... Tansy,M.,Walker,... - 《Clinical Child...
MATERNAL MIND-MINDEDNESSMENTAL STATE TALKSOCIAL ATTENTIONMOTHERSINFANTSLANGUAGEACQUISITIONATTACHMENTCHILDRENSSECURITYIn a prospective longitudinal study of a representative community sample (N = 264), mothers' references to infants' mental states were coded during a topic-sharing task in the home at 6 ...
“Love melts even the coldest of hearts. This emphasised that global citizenship and international mindedness are connected and work well if we become accepting and appreciative of the differences in all our different cultures. He concluded his sharing with a quote from the Bible about love and ...
In 1972, Klaus and colleagues described a' sensitive period' occurring between a mother and her infant soon after birth which enhanced maternal-infant attachment. Interpretations applied to this suggestion evolved as the 'bonding theory' and affected midwifery practice in the delivery of care to moth...
(Van Ijzendoorn & Bakermans-Kranenburg,2019). PRF is thought to capture the capacity to mentalize, or an overall cognitive ability, while mind-mindedness and insightfulness captures the extent to which parents accept children's mental states and balance positive and negative aspects of children,...
When posttest was compared with pretest, significant improvements were found in maternal acceptance and mind-mindedness, and child responsiveness. Studies evaluating MwyB for mothers with infants who do suffer from (parental) stress, but have not been referred for mental health care, are lacking. ...
(2002). Maternal mind-mindedness and attachment security as predictors of theory of mind understanding. Child Development, 73(6), 1715–1726. Article PubMed Google Scholar Mitjavila, M. (2013). Investigación y aportaciones de Peter Fonagy: Una ...