This mindful parenting book is more academically focused and not the quick read some of the others listed above are. I still enjoyed the book, but you have to be in the mood for it. The book has plenty of helpful insights that are scientifically proven, and it’s yet another great resou...
bubbly and lovable 5-year-old is the youngest daughter.These children often break the rules and fight amongst themselves and even with their parents but Micheal and Jay always do their best to teach their kids valuable lessons and to steer them in the right direction in life.Micheal Kyle ...
The Ultimate Parenting Resource for the modern parent, with 8,000+ videos from 450 experts to help answer all your questions on pregnancy and parenting
Parentingishard. Ifyou"re a parent, I"m surethat I don"t needtotellyouthatourjobis a toughone. Whenyou"remanagingchildren, itcanbedifficulttorememberthattheyarestilllearning. Ifyoufindyouareyellingatyourkidsmoreoftenthanyouwantto, herearesomewaysthatcanhelpyoureducetheyelling. I"vebeenworkingon...
Parenting is not a competition. It however can be easy to get caught up in what other families are doing and focus only on what you are not doing. There most likely is a lot you are doing that others aren’t and you can’t see that. Don’t compete and don’t compare. Make deci...
Charlie Kaufman, the screenwriter behind the existential crises turned movies Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Synedoche New York, might not be the first person who pops to mind when it comes to writing an animated kid's movie. But you totally get it within ...
Spiritual Parenting Skill no. 3: - Being Honest about Yourself (Your Feelings and Thoughts): Inviting in the Truth for Your Kids to Mirror We often tend to think that we should protect our kids from the truth. I agree that some things (typically external) might be unnecessary to expose ou...
Parenting doesn’t stop once your child becomes an adult, and I recognize your concern for her safety and well-being if she follows through on this decision. The hard part is, your daughter isMore Roxy4 This is all easier said then done. I have done these things. Not provided rides...
What is mindful parenting? Mindfulness 101 How to be more present Toddler bedtime routine for better sleep Why teach mindfulness to kids? Not only is there strong evidence that mindfulness can positively affect an adult’s mental and physical health, but there's also growing research that mindfuln...
We appreciate you writing in to Empowering Parents and sharing your story. Because we are a website aimed at helping people become more effective parents, we are limited in the advice and suggestions we can give to those outside of a direct parenting role. Another resource which might be mor...