Attachment and Self-Understanding:Parenting with the Brain in Mind". Siegel,Daniel J. Attachment and Human Survival . 2004Siegel DJM. Attachment and self-understanding: Parenting with the brain in mind. J Prenat Perinat Psychol Health. 2004;18(4):273....
parenting, child development, and child psychology. empowers parents with easy-to-understand parenting information and science-based guidance. The team uses empirical research and neuroscience to aid parents in fostering their children’s brain development for optimal outcomes. ...
What is the "whole-brain perspective" when it comes to parenting, and what does it mean to parent with the brain in mind? Dr. Dan Siegel, founding co-director of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center and Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, ...
Mindful Parenting with Headspace From the moment my brain turns on in the morning it is running. Before movement happens, before my eyes open I have already clocked a mile in brain movement. A to do list that could last anyone a week at least flashes before me. Some days not even my p...
Talking with Your Teen: 10 Tips for Meaningful Connection Rachael Coughlin The teenage years can be challenging for parents and kids, but having meaningful connection can lead to better outcomes. ... Read More Privileged Teenagers: The Art of Not Raising a Brat… ...
Parenting with the right side of the brain means resisting the urge to gauge our baby’s developmental milestones against charts, graphs, and comparisons with other babies. It means seeing the bigger picture – a creative, self-confident person. Children pick up on our urgent wish for them to...
The problem was, I had hit my limit. All the stress of the summer fell upon my heart suddenly. The injustice poked at my brain. The lack of sleep knocked down the walls that hold in emotions, and I was flooded. When the coach couldn’t grasp why I wanted him to take back the sta...
However, it has yet to be discerned whether parenting stress affects brain-to-brain synchrony during everyday joint activities. Here, we show that greater parenting stress is associated with less brain-to-brain synchrony in the medial left cluster of the prefrontal cortex when mother and child ...
Twice a month I work with parents of adopted children. Parents who adopt children from dysfunctional homes often struggle with kids who do not take discipline well. The oldest is a budding teenager whose developing brain is getting him in trouble with the opposite sex and adults. Both of the...
With office, school, and other commitments, mornings have become a rush. Because of our lifestyle, breakfast has become a circus for us. Bacon, eggs, and toast are loved by everyone but they consume time and we all lack patience in mornings. Our lazy brain is primed to skip all the wo...