.\pandas-ta\pandas_ta\overlap\supertrend.py # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# 导入 numpy 库中的 nan 函数并重命名为 npNaNfromnumpyimportnanasnpNaN# 导入 DataFrame 类frompandasimportDataFrame# 从 pandas_ta 库中导入 overlap 模块中的 hl2 函数frompandas_ta.overlapimporthl2# 从 pandas_ta 库中导入 vo...
支持以下全部技术指标: aberration, above, above_value, accbands, ad, adosc, adx, alma, amat, ao, aobv, apo, aroon, atr, bbands, below, below_value, bias, bop, brar, cci, cdl_pattern, cdl_z, cfo, cg, chop, cksp, cmf, cmo, coppock, cross, cross_value, cti, decay, decreasing,...
get_offset、verify_series 函数frompandas_ta.utilsimportget_drift, get_offset, verify_series# 定义函数 pvt,计算价格-成交量趋势指标(Price-Volume Trend,PVT)defpvt(close, volume, drift=None, offset=None, **kwargs):"""Indicator: Price
[ "alma", "dema", "ema", "fwma", "hilo", "hl2", "hlc3", "hma", "ichimoku", "jma", "kama", "linreg", "mcgd", "midpoint", "midprice", "ohlc4", "pwma", "rma", "sinwma", "sma", "ssf", "supertrend", "swma", "t3", "tema", "trima", "vidya", "vwap", "v...
Supertrend: supertrend Symmetric Weighted Moving Average: swma T3 Moving Average: t3 Triple Exponential Moving Average: tema Triangular Moving Average: trima Variable Index Dynamic Average: vidya Volume Weighted Average Price: vwap Requires the DataFrame index to be a DatetimeIndex Volume Weighted Movin...
When using a different source for the supertrend the results are different from the TradingView counterpart. Also it can happen that the close price of a candle is above the upperband but the signal comes the day later. To Reproduce
(result, **kwargs) # 计算 Supertrend 指标 def supertrend(self, period=None, multiplier=None, mamode=None, drift=None, offset=None, **kwargs): # 获取 "high"、"low"、"close" 列 high = self._get_column(kwargs.pop("high", "high")) low = self._get_column(kwargs.pop("low", "...
Pandas Technical Analysis(Pandas TA) is an easy to use library that leverages the Pandas package with more than 140 Indicators and Utility functions and more than 60 TA Lib Candlestick Patterns. Many commonly used indicators are included, such as:Candle Pattern(cdl_pattern),Simple Moving Average(...
slope, sma, smi, squeeze, squeeze_pro, ssf, stc, stdev, stoch, stochrsi, supertrend, swma, t3, td_seq, tema, thermo, tos_stdevall, trima, trix, true_range, tsi, tsignals, ttm_trend, ui, uo, variance, vhf, vidya, vortex, vp, vwap, vwma, wcp, willr, wma, xsignals, zscore...
Technical Analysis Indicators - Pandas TA is an easy to use Python 3 Pandas Extension with 130+ Indicators - Add 2 TI : Heikin-Ashi and supertrend · hitesh-c/pandas-ta@11e7eda