.\pandas-ta\pandas_ta\overlap\supertrend.py # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# 导入 numpy 库中的 nan 函数并重命名为 npNaNfromnumpyimportnanasnpNaN# 导入 DataFrame 类frompandasimportDataFrame# 从 pandas_ta 库中导入 overlap 模块中的 hl2 函数frompandas_ta.overlapimporthl2# 从 pandas_ta 库中导入 vo...
.\pandas-ta\pandas_ta\volume\pvr.py # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# 从pandas_ta.utils模块中导入verify_series函数frompandas_ta.utilsimportverify_series# 从numpy中导入别名为npNaN的nan值fromnumpyimportnanasnpNaN# 从pandas模块中导入Series类frompandasimportSeries# 定义函数pvr,计算价格成交量等级指标defpvr...
supertrend 指标计算模块 from .supertrend import supertrend # 导入 swma 指标计算模块 from .swma import swma # 导入 t3 指标计算模块 from .t3 import t3 # 导入 tema 指标计算模块 from .tema import tema # 导入 trima 指标计算模块 from .trima import trima # 导入 vidya 指标计算模块 from .vidya ...
Pandas TA 还支持策略的使用: # 公众号:二七阿尔量化importpandasaspdimportpandas_taastafrommultiprocessingimportProcess,freeze_supportsh300data=pd.read_csv("sh300_1min.csv")sh300data=sh300data.set_index("day")CustomStrategy=ta.Strategy(name="Momo and Volatility",description="SMA 50,200, BBANDS, ...
[ "alma", "dema", "ema", "fwma", "hilo", "hl2", "hlc3", "hma", "ichimoku", "jma", "kama", "linreg", "mcgd", "midpoint", "midprice", "ohlc4", "pwma", "rma", "sinwma", "sma", "ssf", "supertrend", "swma", "t3", "tema", "trima", "vidya", "vwap", "v...
Supertrend: supertrend Symmetric Weighted Moving Average: swma T3 Moving Average: t3 Triple Exponential Moving Average: tema Triangular Moving Average: trima Variable Index Dynamic Average: vidya Volume Weighted Average Price: vwap Requires the DataFrame index to be a DatetimeIndex Volume Weighted Movin...
假设df是一个带有OHLC价格的pandas DataFrame,结果sti是一个带有4列的DataFrame:1.趋势 1.方向 1.长...
假设df是一个带有OHLC价格的pandas DataFrame,结果sti是一个带有4列的DataFrame:1.趋势 1.方向 1.长...
sti = ta.supertrend(df['High'], df['Low'], df['Close'], length=7, multiplier=3) Given thatdfis a pandas DataFrame with OHLC prices, the resultstiis a DataFrame with 4 columns: trend direction long short where the trend is a concatenation of the long and short lines. Note that colu...
Pandas TAchecks if the user has some common trading packages installed including but not limited to:TA Lib,Vector BT,YFinance... Much of which isexperimentaland likely to break until it stabilizes more. IfTA Libinstalled, existing indicators willeventuallyget aTA Libversion. ...