(1)all: 一次性添加所有可用的技术指标。df.ta.strategy('all') df1=df0.copy() df1.ta.strategy('all') print(df1.columns) #输出结果: Index(['open','high','low','close','volume','ABER_ZG_5_15', 'ABER_SG_5_15','ABER_XG_5_15','ABER_ATR_5_15','ACCBL_20', ... 'VIDYA_...
应用pandas_ta strategy: SMA 最流行的技术分析策略被称为简单移动平均线。该技术包括创建两条不同长度的移动平均线,并使用交叉点作为买入和卖出信号。 #导入备份df=df_backup.copy()MyStrategy=ta.Strategy(name="DCSMA10",ta=[{"kind":"ohlc4"},{"kind":"sma","length":10},{"kind":"sma","length"...
"cumulative":True},# 对数收益率{"kind":"ema","close":"CUMLOGRET_1","length":5}# 指数移动平均线]# 创建自定义策略对象custom = pandas_ta.Strategy("AMAT Log Returns",# 策略名称amat_logret_ta,# 自定义参数"AMAT Log Returns",# 描述)# 应用策略到数据,设置ordered=True按照给定顺序执行指标计...
Pandas TA 提供了一种称为 "策略"(Strategy) 的功能,运用该功能可以一次性的计算多个指标值。 1. 创建策略 创建策略需要用 Pandas TA 的 Strategy 函数,以下是创建策略的示例: # 创建一个名为`custom_a`的策略 custom_a = ta.Strategy( name = "A", ta = [ {"kind": "sma", "length": 10}, {...
self.strategy = strategy# 初始化数据源self._init_data_source(ds_name)# 初始化数据源def_init_data_source(self, ds:str) ->None:# 将数据源名称转换为小写,并将其设置为实例属性,如果输入不是字符串则默认为 "av"self.ds_name = ds.lower()ifisinstance(ds,str)else"av"# 默认情况下使用 AlphaVan...
Pandas TA StrategyA Pandas TA Strategy is a named group of indicators to be run by the strategy method. All Strategies use mulitprocessing except when using the col_names parameter (see below). There are different types of Strategies listed in the following section....
Pandas TA Strategy APandas TAStrategy is a named group of indicators to be run by thestrategymethod. All Strategies usemulitprocessingexceptwhen using thecol_namesparameter (seebelow). There are different types ofStrategieslisted in the following section. ...
[0], Strategy): # 如果参数是策略对象 strategy_ = args[0] if strategy_.ta is None or strategy_.name.lower() == "all": # 如果策略对象为空或名称为"all" name, mode["all"] = name, True # 设置名称和模式为"all" elif strategy_.name.lower() in self.categories: # 如果策略名称在...
Here are the previous Styles implemented using a Strategy Class:# (1) Create the Strategy MyStrategy = ta.Strategy( name="DCSMA10", ta=[ {"kind": "ohlc4"}, {"kind": "sma", "length": 10}, {"kind": "donchian", "lower_length": 10, "upper_length": 15}, {"kind": "ema",...