# 解码UTF-8编码数据 df['column'].str.decode('utf-8') 复制代码 另外,也可以使用.str.encode()和.str.decode()方法来编码和解码字符串数据。示例如下: # 编码字符串数据为UTF-8格式 df['column'].str.encode('utf-8') # 解码UTF-8编码的字符串数据 df['column'].str.decode('utf-8') 复制代码...
data = gpd.read_file('data.csv', encoding='utf8') CSV文件: Notebook: 如您所见,column name仍然没有被解码。我尝试了以下命令,但没有成功,因为它将列视为str,并且无法对其调用decode()函数。 data['name'] = data['name'].apply(lambda x:x.decode('utf8', 'strict') if not isinstance(x,...
before = "This is the euro symbol: €" after = before.encode("utf-8", errors="replace") print(detect(after)) 输出: {'encoding': 'utf-8', 'language': '', 'confidence': 1.0} (2)from_path函数是charset_normalizer库中的一个函数,它用于检测文件的编码。它接受一个文件路径作为参数,并返回...
s = requests.get(url).content# read only first 10 rows df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')),nrows=10 , index_col=0) map() map() 函数根据相应的输入来映射 Series 的值。用于将一个 Series 中的每个值替换为另一个值,该值可能来自一个函数、也可能来自于一个 dict 或 Series。
#include #include #include HTTPHTMLHeader.h> 如果使用HTTPHTMLHeader则不会指定编码: ...
this online data set just to make things easier for you guysurl = "https://raw.github.com/vincentarelbundock/Rdatasets/master/csv/datasets/AirPassengers.csv"s = requests.get(url).content# read only first 10 rowsdf = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s....
您可以使用矢量化 str.decode 将字节字符串解码为普通字符串: df['COLUMN1'].str.decode("utf-8") 要为多列执行此操作,您可以只选择 str 列: str_df = df.select_dtypes([np.object]) 转换所有这些: str_df = str_df.stack().str.decode('utf-8').unstack() 然后,您可以将转换后的列替换为...
data = data.decode("utf-8") # ... and reencode it into the target encoding data = self.encoder.encode(data) # write to the target stream self.stream.write(data) # empty queue self.queue.truncate(0) def writerows(self, rows): for row in rows: self.writerow(row) def update_excel...
[87]: data = b"word,length\n" b"Tr\xc3\xa4umen,7\n" b"Gr\xc3\xbc\xc3\x9fe,5" In [88]: data = data.decode("utf8").encode("latin-1") In [89]: df = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(data), encoding="latin-1") In [90]: df Out[90]: word length 0 Träumen 7 1 Grüß...
根本原因是: The cause of this is a file that is not UTF-8 is being parsed as UTF-8. It is likely that the parser is encountering a byte value in the range FE-FF. These values are invalid in the UTF-8 encoding. 就是说字符编码在UTF-8中有特殊含义,或者是没用正确转换过来。 解决...