原链接:https://youtu.be/Y2eOW7XYWxc 转自油管博主 Pamela Reif 原标题:20 MIN FULL BODY WORKOUT - Intense Version / No Equipment I Pamela Reif 也欢迎你来微博找我玩@BeautiesClub 展开更多 Lonely 减肥 健身 运动 健身 瘦身塑形 欧美 减脂 塑形 YouTube workout routine 评论0 请先登录后发表评论 ...
P1第一周:Day1-1 10分钟晨间训练 拉伸+力量 10 MIN GOOD MORNING WORKOUT - Stretch & Train No 10:17 P2Day1-2:10分钟腹肌训练 10 MIN AB WORKOUT __ No Equipment _ Pamela Reif 10:26 P3Day1-3:4分钟音乐节拍腹肌训练 Stormzy feat. Ed Sheeran & Burna Boy - Own It __ AB WORKO 03:58...
Pamela Reif这个健身博主的workout是我居家以来做过最酸爽的运动!每次做完都觉得自己就是《鸭子侦探》里的那只姑妈鸭🦆臀腿酸痛,走路打飘。在我累瘫在瑜伽垫上时,这个姐们就像一只人形ai不知疲倦。就准确性来说,Pamela比周六野、林芊妤要好得多,后两者做动作晃得太厉害了(具体可以参考@朱梦麟-山神 的#美丽扒...
8 MIN CORE SKILLS - not the classic ab workout, very intense I Pamela Reif 1 人观看 10:35 10 MIN AB WORKOUT + CHAIR / intense workout for lower, upper & side abs I Pamela Reif 2 人观看 9:46 DANCE LIKE NOBODY’S WATCHING - Workout, the happy type of cardio I Robin Schulz so...
10 MIN AB WORKOUT + CHAIR / intense workout for lower, upper & side abs I Pamela Reif 2 人观看 9:46 DANCE LIKE NOBODY’S WATCHING - Workout, the happy type of cardio I Robin Schulz songs 10 人观看 3:40 ALRIGHT - Alle Farben ft. Kiddo / Basic & Happy Warm Up I Pamela Reif ...
Deshalb gibt es von Pamela Reif einen exklusiven siebentägigen Calorie-Burn-Workout-Plan den ihr KOSTENLOS in der HUAWEI Health App starten könnt. Wenn das keine Motivationshilfe ist. Den Plan von Pamela Reif findest du ganz einfach in derHuawei Health App ...
WEEK 33+34/2022- Sunshine Workout = Sunshine Smile热辣阳光训练,就像你的笑容一样闪耀~上周的加强版下腹部训练有没有挑战成功呢✌️本周有全新普拉提训练,慢速低冲击,结合力量、拉伸、平衡三合一的热身训练 ️非常适合夏日慢速-周一腹部+手臂训练,周二当然是Bobbes—翘臀训练日-周三阳光有氧,配上你的热辣...
Video about this is fully transparent timer with alpha codec. 20 sec workout timer countdown clock stopwatch in the style of Pamela Reif. Video of isolated, countdown, animation - 228606928
Video about this is fully transparent timer with alpha codec. 10 sec workout timer countdown clock stopwatch in the style of Pamela Reif. Video of 1minute, numbers, business - 228607850
German influencer (网红) Pamela Reif is one such blogger. She rose to fame at the age of 16, when she started posting pictures of her lifestyle and fitness routine online. In early June, Pamela uploaded her first video, "12-Minute Happy Sweat Workout," on Chinese soc...