Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that co-expresses thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) and p40 represents a distinct subtype of lung cancer. This case report details a 53-year-old male patient with NSCLC exhibiting co-expression of TTF-1 and p40, highlighting the need for further ...
The tumor cells diffusely co-expressed p40 and TTF1, exhibiting a dual immunophenotype characteristic of both squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Molecular testing of four NSCLC co-expressing p40 and TTF1 revealed the presence of common EGFR mutations, as well as mutations of NRAS (mutation...
结论 在低分化非小细胞肺癌活检小标本中联合检测dsg3、p40、ttf-1、napsina对鳞癌与腺癌的鉴别诊断具有重要意义。关键词:非小细胞肺癌;dsg3;p40;ttf-1;napsina;活组织检查;免疫组化the expression and si 3、gnificance of dsg3,p40,ttf-1,and napsina in non-small cell lung cancer lacking morphological ...
【关键词】肺非小细胞癌;免疫组织化学sP法;p40;天门冬氨酸蛋白酶;甲状腺转录因子一1 (中图分类号】R734.2 [文献标志码】A p40、Napsin-AandTTF-1——thespecificimmunohistochemicalmarktoidentify squamouscellcarcinomaandadenocarcinomaofnon-smallcellLungCancer ...
p40、天门冬氨酸蛋白酶、甲状腺转录因子-1在肺鳞癌与腺癌表达敏感性和特异性 仇加高 【摘要】Objective:To study the significant immunohistochemical mark to identifiy squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of non-small cell lung cancer. Methods:The expression of p63, p40, CK5/6, TTF-1, CK7 and ...
In similarity analysis, the TTF-1 and p40 subgroups were closely related to LUAD and LUSC, respectively. The TTF-1 positive subgroup had the highest leukocyte fraction (LF) among several cancer types, and the tumor mutation burden (TMB) of the p40 positive subgroup ranked third in the TMB ...
Detection of TTF-1, CD56 and P40 expression level might be helpful for predict the prognosis of SCLC.王鑫张毅胡牧王若天刘磊钱坤李元博支修益Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer王鑫,张毅,胡牧,等.TTF-1、CD56、P40免疫组化标志物及其他临床特征与小细胞肺癌预后相关性...
Biphenotypic glandular and squamous differentiation was unveiled by electron microscopy, along with Conclusions:Double p40+/TTF1+ lung carcinomas are aggressive and likely underrecognized non-small cell carcinomas, whose origin could reside in double-positive distal airway stem-like basal cells through ...
Of 9 poorly differentiated carcinomas 6 were reclassified ADC:p40/CK5/6 negative but TTF1 positive: 4; TTF1/Napsin A: 2. Two cases negative with both dual IMH weree clinically proved metastatic carcinomas from other sites. Conclusions DualIMH stains p40/CK5/6 and TTF1/Napsin A on two ...
CK7, TTF-1 and NapsinA were more useful and specific in differentiating lung adenocarcinoma. The impaired CD56, TTF-1, Syn and CgA reflects the progression of small cell lung cancer.Ecological restoration