P4 ATPase isoforms are redundant to some extent, but structural defects of certain isoforms can still lead to rather severe pathologies at the whole-organism level due to tissue specificity of expression of the corresponding genes and variability of the intracellular localization of the proteins and ...
This is the case of ATP2, a Plasmodium-encoded 4 P-type ATPase (P4-ATPase or lipid flippase), whose activity is completely irreplaceable during the asexual stages of the parasite. Moreover, a recent chemogenomic study has situated ATP2 as the possible target of two antimalarial drug ...
The P4 subfamily of P-type ATPases (P4 ATPases) functions as lipid flippases that translocate specific lipid substrates from the exoplasmic/luminal leaflet to the cytoplasmic leaflet of biological membranes, and these ATP-fueled flippases have a key role in the biogenesis of intracellular mobile...
目前尚不清楚.另外,课题组在杀虫真菌球孢白僵菌中鉴定到一个P4-ATPase(BbCrpa),它能通过囊泡运输的方式将具有抗真菌活性的Cs A和FK506运送到液泡,实现细胞解毒.黄萎病菌产生的毒素被认为是其重要的致病因子.能否在棉花中表达真菌的这类P4-ATPase基因,通过细胞解毒的方式提高植物黄萎病的抗性?围绕这些问题,本文展开...
P4-ATPase that interacts with CDC50C has not been identified. Although CDC50 subunits play a crucial role in the proper folding and functional activity of P4-ATPases, the CDC50 variants that associate with specific P4-ATPases in native tissues have not been identified, and the effect of ...
P4-ATPases form heteromeric complexes with CDC50 proteins. Dissociation of the yeast P4-ATPase Drs2p from its binding partner Cdc50p disrupts catalytic activity (Lenoir, G., Williamson, P., Puts, C. F., and Holthuis, J. C. (2009) J. Biol. Chem. 284, 17956–17967), suggesting that ...
FIGURE 2. Translocation of human P4-ATPases upon CDC50 coexpression. HeLa cells were transiently co-transfected with an expression vector for C-terminally HA-tagged P4-ATPase and a control IRES-EGFP vector (A–J) or an expression vector for CDC50A-IRES-EGFP (A′–J′) or CDC50B-IRES-...
One such example is ATP8B1, a P4-type ATPase disrupted in three inherited forms of intrahepatic cholestasis. Mutation of the X-linked mouse gene Atp11c, which encodes a paralogous P4-type ATPase, precludes B-cell development in the adult bone marrow, but also causes hyperbilirubinemia. Here ...
The causative mutations were ascribed to Atp11c, which encodes a P4-type ATPase with no previously described function. Our data establish an essential, cell-autonomous and context-sensitive function for ATP11C, a putative aminophospholipid flippase, in B cell development. This is a preview of ...