隔壁的答主@GAGA 是p-adic量子力学的专家,这篇短文旨在补充p-adic在高能物理中的其他应用(p-adic Str...
Using the least action principle in critical point theory we obtain some existence results of periodic solutions for (q(t), p(t))-Laplacian systems which generalize some existence results. MSC: Primary 34C25 Keywords: periodic solutions; (q(t),p(t))-Laplacian systems; generalized Lebesgue and...
We choose the particular case when the function f can be expressed in the form f(x, z, w, y)= \varphi (x, z, w)- \psi (y) , where the function \psi depends only on the p-Laplacian \Delta _p u . We also present some applications of our results....
Let G(V,E)G(V,E) be a connected finite graph satisfying the CD√⋅p(m,K)CDp⋅(m,K) condition for p≥ 2, m>0, K≤ 0p≥ 2, m>0, K≤ 0. In this paper we consider the elliptic gradient estimate for the solutions to the equation on GG, where ΔpΔp is the pp-Laplace...
Book M. Lewicka, Non-local Tug-of-War with noise for the geometric fractional p-Laplacian. Adv. Differ. Equ.(1–2), 31–76 (2022) M. Lewicka, J.J. Manfredi, Game theoretical methods in PDEs. Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana7(3), 211–216 (2014) ...
Ostrowski's theorem Two Anecdotes Further Reading Acknowledgement 写在前面:p-adic AdS/CFT的重要开拓...
where0<α≤1,0DtαandtDTαdenote the left and right Riemann–Liouville fractional derivatives of orderα, respectively.λ>0is a parameter.ϕp:R→Ris thep-Laplacian defined byϕp(s)=|s|p−2sifs≠0,ϕp(0)=0,1<p<∞.f:[0,T]×R→RandF(t,x)=∫0xf(t,s)ds. The existence...
For p > 2, we consider the quasilinear equation Delta(p)u+\u\(p-2) u= g(u) in the unit ball B of R-N, with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. The assumptions on g are very mild and allow the nonlinearity to be possibly supercritical in the sense
(1.2) Here⨍, whereis the first coordinate,the surface measure on the sphere anddenotes the ball of radiuscentered at 0. The aim of this paper is to propose a new monotone finite difference discretization of thep-Laplacian based on the asymptotic expansion (1.2). As an application of our...
Meng: Eigenvalue problem for finite difference equations with p-Laplacian. J. Appl. Math. Comput. 40 (2012), 319–340. Article MATH MathSciNet Google Scholar E. Zeidler: Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications. I. Fixed-Point Theorems. Springer, New York, 1986. Book MATH Google...