p-GaN Gate HEMT器件阈值稳定性及其机理Study of the Physics of Vth Instability of p-GaN Gate HEMT陈匡黎电子科技大学博士ZHOU QiProfessor of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 展开更多0 条评论guansheng发消息 分享知识,共同成长。把复杂的事情掰扯明白! 关注1万...
1. J. Cui, J. Wei, M. Wang, Y. Wu, J. Yang, T. Li, J. Yu, H. Yang, X. Yang, J. Wang, X. Liu, D. Ueda, and B. Shen, 6500-V E-mode active-passivation p-GaN gate HEMT with ultralow dynamic RON. IEDM, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2023, sec. 26-1. 2. J. Wei, ...
Enhanced gallium nitride (GaN)-based high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) is a research hotspot in the field of high-frequency, high-power devices and switching devices. Thanks to its simple, controllable and repeatable fabrication process, P-GaN gate technology has become the most commonly...
本研究所提出的u-GaN/p-GaN结构能有效提高功率转换系统的可靠性,相关工作以“p-GaN Gate HEMTs With 10.6 V Maximum Gate Drive Voltages by Mg Doping Engineering”为标题发表在IEEE TED杂志上[2]。南科大深港微电子学院与加拿大哥伦比亚大学联培博士周广楠为论文第一作者,于洪宇为通讯作者,该工作也得到了加拿大哥...
近日,南方科技大学深港微电子学院教授于洪宇课题组和助理教授李携曦课题组在宽禁带半导体功率和传感器件领域取得重要进展,特色研究成果包括免刻蚀常关型GaN凹栅MIS-HEMT器件、具有长期工作可靠性的p-GaN HEMT器件及新型栅极击穿测量方法、以及角度和压力传感器件。相关成果分别发表于国际微电子器件顶级期刊IEEE Electron Device...
GaN HEMT p-GaN gate Transmission line pulse (TLP) Long-term reliability 1. Introduction Over the last few years, GaN-based transistors with p-GaN gate have been proposed as a promising normally-off devices for use in power electronics. A high robustness toward the off-state has already been...
功率HEMT的p-GaN栅极可靠性及其加固方法GaN Gate Reliability and Its Reinforcement Techniques in Power HEMTs钟耀宗中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所助理研究员ZHONG YaozongAssistant Professor of Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences ...
近日,中国科学院微电子所高频高压中心GaN功率电子器件研发团队的2篇论文入选第36届功率半导体器件和集成电路国际会议(ISPSD),其中戴心玥博士的口头报告“An Enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaNHEMTwithIsland-Ohmic p-GaNfeaturing stablethresholdvoltageand large gate swing”荣获大会唯一最佳青年学者奖(ISPSD Charitat Young Rese...
Normally Off-Mode AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor Using P-Type Gate Contact A normally off-mode AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field effect transistor (HFET) using a p-type GaN gate was fabricated and their static properties were compared with those of HFET having a Schottky gate. HFE...