After performing a flow cell wash or storing your flow cell, we recommend using running a 'Flow cell check' to check number of available nanopores. Load your flow cell into the device with Storage Buffer (S) and start a Flow cell check to detect the number of active pores. For more inf...
Compatible Oxford Nanopore products: Rapid Barcoding Kit 96 (SQK-RBK110.96), Rapid Barcoding Kit 24 V14 (SQK-RBK114.24), Rapid Barcoding Kit 96 V14 (SQK-RBK114.96), Flow Cell Wash Kit (EXP-WSH004), Flow Cell Wash Kit XL (EXP-WSH004-XL), ...
End-prep, adaptor ligation, priming and flow cell loading Each sample was prepared for sequencing using the ONT SQK-NBD114.96 native barcoding sequencing kit (Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Oxford, UK) for the R10.4.1 flow cells following manufacturer’s instructions with some modifications which can...
Depending on the protocol the cDNA library was either loaded on the flow cell as is (SQK-MAP0003 kit version) or enriched for sequences that bear the hairpin (SQK-MAP0004, SQK-MAP0005 kit version) as follows.10 ul of His-beads (Dynabeads His-Tag, Thermo) were washed two times with...
Oxford Nanopore Technologies PAV: Presence/absence variations RA: Rapid Assembler SDN: SMARTdenovo SEQ: Sequence SNP: Single Nucleotid Polymorphism SV: Structural Variation TAIR: TAIR10.1 last version ofArabdopsis thalianaCol-0 reference sequence genome available at the The Arabidopsis Information Resourc...
Flow Cell Flush (FCF)andFlow Cell Tether (FCT)These reagents are combined to make up the flow cell priming mix. The tether is used to bring the DNA strand to the membrane and to improve DNA capture by approximately 10,000-fold compared with capture without tether. ...
Instructions for working with MinKNOW. If using for the first time, please refer to the user manual for your device. For Research Use Only