The overhead cable triceps extension is a triceps isolation exercise that is very similar to thedumbbellandbarbelloverhead triceps extension.You’re able to move through a longerrange of motionwhen usingcables, as the angle of your arms allow you to lower the pulley deeper than compared to most...
You can easily hurt your rotator cuff muscles. Some lifters like Klokov seem to be fine. But you may not be that lucky. Stick with the Overhead Press, it’s safer.Dumbbell Overhead PressThe Dumbbell Overhead Press is an Overhead Press using dumbbells. Stand with the end of each ...
At the same time, it can be performed with various equipment, from a dumbbell to a barbell, with a range of loads depending on skill and strength level. You can use thrusters as a dynamic conditioning tool, or as a full-body strength movement. Muscles Worked by the Overhead Squat The b...
extension with horizontal adduction and internal rotation, are commonly used, as they mimic the throwing motion [20]. These movement patterns increase cortical recruitment of sensorimotor areas [21], activate key shoulder muscles, such as the serratus anterior, anterior deltoid, infraspinatus, upper,...
Muscles Worked The Overhead Press works your whole body. Your shoulders and arms are the prime movers to press the weight over your head. But everything between the floor and your shoulders must stay tight to balance you and the bar. This makes the Overhead Press a full-body exercise that...