类别详细信息 Domain com.microsoft.Outlook 键 AutomaticallyDownloadExternalContent 数据类型 整数 可能的值 0 = 从不 1 = 来自我的联系人、安全发件人和 GAL 的邮件中 2 = 在所有消息中 (默认) 需要配置文件 否 可用性 16.91 Comments 在“Outlook>设置”>下找到Email>“读取>下载外部图像”。禁用...
Teams meeting add-in security when using your Outlook client Remove external chat for a user Compliance Privacy Manage and monitor Teams Teams, chats, and channels Meetings and Audio Conferencing Voice - Teams Phone and PSTN connectivity Teams Rooms and devices ...
Domain com.microsoft.Outlook Key TrustO365AutodiscoverRedirect Data Type Boolean Possible values false (default) true Requires Configuration Profile No Availability 15.29 Comments When set to 'true' users aren't prompted to Allow or Deny redirects from AutoDiscover. They're automatically allowed.Weather...
Microsoft 365 Education How to buy for your school Educator training and development Deals for students and parents Azure for students Business Microsoft Cloud Microsoft Security Dynamics 365 Microsoft 365 Microsoft Power Platform Microsoft Teams Copilot for Microsoft 365 Small Business Developer...
Each additional person you invite to a meeting adds to the complexity of the meeting, making it harder to control. On the other hand, if a decision needs to be made, make sure all of the key stakeholders are present, or the meeting will be a waste of time and resources. How to ...
If your add-in wasn't automatically sideloaded, follow the instructions inSideload Outlook add-ins for testingto manually sideload the add-in in Outlook. In Outlook, view a message in theReading Pane, or open the message in its own window. ...
{"__ref":"User:user:4306"},"revisionNum":1,"uid":2129233,"depth":1,"hasGivenKudo":false,"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:MicrosoftTeams"},"subject":"Re: Open Teams App from Outlook Meeting Invite","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":...
Answers to frequent questions about new the Outlook for Windows timeline, how organizations can prepare, and future availability of classic Outlook for...
To invite the required attendees, press the Tab key until you hear: "Required." Type the names of the persons you want to invite. If a person is not in your address book, type their email address. Outlook automatically searches your address book for matches....
How to automatically add flagged emails in Outlook to Microsoft To Do You can also adjust your Microsoft To Do settings so that when you flag an email in Outlook, it automatically appears as a task in To Do. Go to to-do.office.com. From the toolbar, click the Settings icon, which...