重新启用 Teams 会议加载项: 在Outlook 中,选择“文件>选项>加载项>管理”,选择“禁用的项目”,然后选择“转到”。 如果看到“已禁用项”下列出的Teams,请选择它,然后选择“启用”。 重启Outlook 并确认加载项是否正常工作。 防止Outlook 禁用 Teams 会议加载项的另...
重新启用 Teams 会议加载项: 在Outlook 中,选择“文件>选项>加载项>管理”,选择“禁用的项目”,然后选择“转到”。 如果看到“已禁用项”下列出的Teams,请选择它,然后选择“启用”。 重启Outlook 并确认加载项是否正常工作。 防止Outlook 禁用 Teams 会议加载项的另一项措施是添加以下注册表项: 打开注册表编辑器。
If this script returns an error message, check the version of the Teams meeting add-in. Otherwise, go to step 3. To check the Teams meeting add-in version, select Start > Settings > Apps > Installed apps, enter Teams Meeting Add-in in the search box, and then check the version of ...
If this script returns an error message, check the version of the Teams meeting add-in. Otherwise, go to step 3. To check the Teams meeting add-in version, select Start > Settings > Apps > Installed apps, enter Teams Meeting Add-in in the search box, and then check the version of ...
Select theMicrosoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Officecheckbox. ChooseOKon all dialog boxes, and then close Outlook. Restart Outlook. (In the search box on the taskbar, typeOutlook, and then select it from the results.) For general guidance about ...
https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/microsoftteams/troubleshoot/meetings/resolve-teams-meeting-add-in-issues 问题:outlook新建Teams会议无法加载会议ID,链接等 1.检查 Outlook 中加载项的状态 在Outlook 中,选择“文件”>、“选项”。 在“Outlook 选项 ”对话框中,选择 “加载项” 选项卡。
Use the classic Teams add-in for classic Outlook troubleshooter to install the classic Teams add-in for classic Outlook. Select the button below to start the troubleshooter. Start ClickOpenif you get a pop-up window indicatingThis site is trying to open ...
C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /n /i:user "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\1.0.20031.2\x64\Microsoft.Teams.AddinLoader.dll" In our environment we have both 32bit and 64bit office installs and only the 64bit installs would reregister the addin DLL but the 32bit ones failed....
瀏覽至HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\TeamsAddin.FastConnect。 檢查LoadBehavior項目的值。 它應該設定為3。 如果LoadBehavior的值不是3,請將它變更為3,然後重新開啟 Outlook。 如果增益集仍未出現,請移至步驟 2。 檢查讀取位址資訊時設定 Outlook 物件模型提示的原則設定是否已設...
I have a few users who are losing the Teams meeting add-in in Outlook. It is not disabled, its inactive. when you "GO" to the add-ins, its...