MeetingInviteLanguages 无 此设置通过强制使用通用语言或启用最多两种语言来控制会议邀请中的加入信息显示方式。 可以使用语言代码指定所有 Teams 支持的语言。 SpeakerAttributionMode EnabledUserOverride 在听录中标识说话人。 如果启用,用户可以替代此设置,并选择不在其 Teams 配置文件设置中标识。 RoomAttributeUserOverri...
{actor} sent user an invite on behalf of {eventOwner}" }, { "type":"calendarForward", "description":"Forwarding a Calendar Event", "templateText":"{actor} sent user an invite on behalf of {eventOwner}" }, { "type":"creatorTaskCreated", "description":"Created Task Created", "...
MeetingInviteLanguages 无 此设置通过强制使用通用语言或启用最多两种语言来控制会议邀请中的加入信息显示方式。 可以使用语言代码指定所有 Teams 支持的语言。 SpeakerAttributionMode EnabledUserOverride 在听录中标识说话人。 如果启用,用户可以替代此设置,并选择不在其 Teams 配置文件设置中标识。 RoomAttributeUserOverri...
MeetingInviteLanguages 無 此設定會透過強制執行通用語言或啟用最多兩種語言的方式,控制會議邀請中的加入信息顯示方式。 所有 Teams 支援的語言都可以使用語言代碼來指定。 SpeakerAttributionMode EnabledUserOverride 轉譯會識別喇叭。 如果啟用,用戶可以覆寫此設定,並選擇不在其Teams設定檔設定中識別。 RoomAttributeUserOv...
MeetingInviteLanguages 無 此設定會透過強制執行通用語言或啟用最多兩種語言的方式,控制會議邀請中的加入信息顯示方式。 所有 Teams 支援的語言都可以使用語言代碼來指定。 SpeakerAttributionMode EnabledUserOverride 轉譯會識別喇叭。 如果啟用,用戶可以覆寫此設定,並選擇不在其Teams設定檔設定中識別。 RoomAttributeUserOv...
{actor} sent user an invite on behalf of {eventOwner}" }, { "type":"calendarForward", "description":"Forwarding a Calendar Event", "templateText":"{actor} sent user an invite on behalf of {eventOwner}" }, { "type":"creatorTaskCreated", "description":"Created Task Created", "...
After you've completed these steps, you'll receive an invite in Outlook. Note:You can also reserve a workspace in advance by creating a new event from your Outlook calendar or Teams calendar app. You can reserve a Teams display and the associated workspace for up to ...
When a meeting is locked, no additional participants will be able to join, but invitees can still access the meeting chat, recording, and other meeting info. Note:Once participants leave the meeting, they will not be able to join again until the meeting is unlocked....
Click the "calendar" in the function bar on the right and select "Join with an ID" in the upper right corner to join the created meeting. Slide to see the English version · How to invite other people 点击Meet...
I am unable to invite anyone to a Teams meeting thru Outlook. In the Calendar icon, I can see the teams blue icon, and I always load Teams 1st before...