outcomes-based educationstandardsnational qualifications frameworksThe idea of learning outcomes seems to increasingly dominate education policy internationally. Many claims are made about what they can achieve, for example, in enabling comparison of qualifications across countries, improving the recognition of...
For example, De Fraja et al., (2010) and Datar and Mason (2008) show that students and parents substitute school inputs for their own, meaning that policy effects of increased school quality are expected to understate such interventions’ benefits in the education production function. In our ...
This comprehensive conceptual framework has been customized for use in relation to the Japanese higher education system, while at the same time maintaining its comprehensiveness on cognitive and emotional aspects and its utility for empirical research. A feature of the framework is its ability to ...
Assari S. Parental education attainment and educational upward mobility; role of race and gender. Behav Sci (Basel). 2018;8(11):E107. doi:10.3390/bs8110107PubMedGoogle Scholar 25. Assari S. Parental educational attainment and mental well-being of college students: diminished returns of Black...
Digital Education and Educational Technology References Andrich, D., Sheridan, B., Lyne, A., & Luo, G. (2000). RUMM: A Windows-based item analysis program employing Rasch unidimensional measurement models. Perth, Australia: Murdoch University. Google Scholar Bascia, N., & Hargreaves, A....
education."PhD(DoctorofPhilosophy)thesis,UniversityofIowa,2010. hp://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/563. COMPARISONOFSELECTEDOUTCOMESBASEDONTEACHINGSTRATEGIES THATPROMOTEACTIVELEARNINGINNURSINGEDUCATION by AnitaChristineNicholson AnAbstract Ofathesissubmittedinpartialfulfillmentoftherequirements ...
Population-Based Analyses on the Association Between Parental Death and Eligibility for Attending Secondary Education and Mean School Grades Among 908 064 Swedish Childrena View LargeDownload Table 3. Within-Sibling Comparison of School Outcomes of 539 829 Children Exposed to Parental Death Before ...
The Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) offers Frameworks for Assessing Learning and Development Outcomes as a resource to aid administrators in their endeavor to implement outcomes-based assessment of student learning and development. Frameworks for Assessing Learning and ...
Growth chart education instructed parents on typical patterns of child growth and weight gain using color-coded growth charts, providing feedback based on the individual child’s anthropometrics. The control group received a home safety intervention that was dose-matched to ensure equivalent time and...
Any adverse events associated with the intervention were recorded by the therapist at the end of each session based on clinical observation and solicited parent reporting. The principal investigator (A.J.O.W.) determined whether the event was causally related to the intervention (ie, an adverse ...