NOCOPY是传引用,会在赋值的时候立即生效,如<<2>>所示,如果在返回之前发生异常,实际参数的值也会被改变<<See exception test>>. 由于OUT参数在子程序返回的时候会将值copy到实际参数,所以调用完后n的值为20,如<<3>>所示. DECLARE n NUMBER := 10; PROCEDURE do_something ( n1 IN NUMBER, n2 IN OUT N...
Oracle⼦程序参数模式,IN,OUT,NOCOPY IN主要⽤于传⼊参数,可以是变量,常量,表达式,在⼦程序内部不能改变其值.复制代码代码如下:DECLARE n NUMBER := 10;PROCEDURE do_something (n1 IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(n1); -- prints 10 --n1:=20; --illegal assignment.END;BEGIN do_...
将NOCOPY应用在传递数据量很大的参数(such as collections, records, and instances of object types)时,可起到优化性能的作用。 当参数是OUT或者IN OUT类型时:没有NOCOPY=按值传递(ByVal);加上NOCOPY=按引用传递(ByRef)。 Test Code: DECLARE l_1 NUMBER := 10; l_2 NUMBER := 20; l_3 NUMBER := ...
Oracle PL/SQL之IN OUT NOCOPY Suppose a subprogram declares an IN parameter, an OUT parameter, and an IN OUT parameter. When you call the subprogram, the IN parameter is passed by reference. That i...
当参数是OUT或者IN OUT类型时:没有NOCOPY=按值传递(ByVal);加上NOCOPY=按引用传递(ByRef)。 Test Code: DECLARE l_1 NUMBER := 10; l_2 NUMBER := 20; l_3 NUMBER := 30; PROCEDURE test_out ( p1 IN NUMBER ,x1 IN OUT NUMBER ,x2 IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ) IS BEGIN x1 := p1; dbms_...
默认情况下,PL/SQL对IN参数都使用传引用的方式,而对IN OUT和OUT参数都使用传值的方式。 1、NOCOPY的使用方法 parameter_name [mode] NOCOPY datatype 其中parameter_name是参数的名称,mode是参数模式,而datatype是参数类型。如果有NOCOPY,PL/SQL编译器就会尝试通过传引用的方式传递参数,而不是通过传值方式传递参...
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate bytes, occurs when an Oracle process runs out of operating system memory. The error is caused by either: Exhausting total machine physical memory Exhausting designated space in the Program Globa
FRAMES NO FRAMES All Classes A B C D E F G H I M N O P R S T V W XAaddAreaHighlight(HighlightAreaAnnotation) - Method in interface Applies highlighting to a rectangular area in the destination document. addAreaHighlight(HighlightAreaAnnota...
There is no connection string specified by the application and a connection on theimplicit database is always available, therefore, this property is set to0. See Also: "Oracle.DataAccess.Client and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client Namespaces" ...
View the Queries in Business Objects. Hired Candidates 2 . Observe that there is one query which returns the candidate id, requisition no, and applicaiton current reference status of candidates that have been hired on at least one application. 3 . View the report tab. 4 . Observe that the ...