--NOCOPY限制的OUT模式createorreplaceprocedureRaiseErrorCopy( p_Raiseinboolean, p_ParameterA out nocopynumber--将传值用NOCOPY限制为传引用)asbeginp_ParameterA:=7;ifp_Raisethenraise dup_val_on_index;elsereturn;endif;endRaiseErrorCopy;--测试效果v_num:=1;beginDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Value before ...
Oracle PL/SQL之IN OUT NOCOPY Suppose a subprogram declares anINparameter, anOUTparameter, and anINOUTparameter. When you call the subprogram, theINparameter is passed by reference. That is, a pointer to theINactual parameter is passed to the corresponding formal parameter. So, both parameters ...
Oracle PL/SQL之IN OUT NOCOPY Suppose a subprogram declares an IN parameter, an OUT parameter, and an IN OUT parameter. When you call the subprogram, the IN parameter is passed by reference. That i...
在Oracle中,nocopy是一个用于PL/SQL子程序(如过程和函数)参数的模式修饰符。它通常与OUT或IN OUT参数一起使用,用于指示在调用子程序时,参数是否应该以引用传递(ByRef)而不是默认的值传递(ByVal)。需要注意的是,nocopy是一个编译器暗示,它不一定在所有情况下都起作用。 2. nocopy选项在Oracle中的用途 nocopy...
Oracle PL/SQL之IN OUT NOCOPY Suppose a subprogram declares anINparameter, anOUTparameter, and anINOUTparameter. When you call the subprogram, theINparameter is passed by reference. That is, a pointer to theINactual parameter is passed to the corresponding formal parameter. So, both parameters ...
Oracle PL/SQL之IN OUT NOCOPY Suppose a subprogram declares an IN parameter, an OUT parameter, and an IN OUT parameter. When you call the subprogram, the IN parameter is passed by reference. sql ide sed 原创 mb61c186c579369 2022-01-06 09:38:21 111阅读 go nocopy 不可复制的实现 ...
pl/sql中对out,in out参数使用的?默认形参会复制一份实参的副本,然后在内部传递,修改等,发生异常,不会赋值给实参,控制权交还调用环境,而实参值不变,还是调用前的值。而使用了nocopy后,形参将获得一个指向实参的指针,然后在内部传递,赋值都直接修改实参了,此时如果异常发生,控制权交还调用环境,但是实参已经被修改...
# MDEV-34316 sql_mode=ORACLE: Ignore the NOCOPY keyword in stored routine parameters # # # sql_mode=DEFAULT. Test with function, IN NOCOPY # CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION example_func(IN NOCOPY p_in INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN RETURN 0; END; $$ ERROR 42000: You have an error in your...
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The hint NOCOPY is applicable only to OUT and IN OUT types of variables : NOCOPY « Function Procedure Packages « Oracle PL/SQL TutorialOracle PL/SQL Tutorial Function Procedure Packages NOCOPY SQL> SQL> create or replace procedure p_validate(io_string IN OUT NOC...