--the OUT parameter has no value at all until the program terminates successfully, --unless you have requested use of the NOCOPY hint test_out(l_1, l_2, l_3); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('SQLCODE => ' || SQLCODE || ', SQLERRM => ' || SQLERRM); END; dbms...
The hint NOCOPY is applicable only to OUT and IN OUT types of variables : NOCOPY « Function Procedure Packages « Oracle PL/SQL TutorialOracle PL/SQL Tutorial Function Procedure Packages NOCOPY SQL> SQL> create or replace procedure p_validate(io_string IN ...
Tuning PL/SQL Procedure Calls with the NOCOPY Compiler Hint By default, OUT and IN OUT parameters are passed by value. The values of any IN OUT parameters are copied before the subprogram is executed. During subprogram execution, temporary variables hold the output parameter values. If the subp...
Oracle PL/SQL之IN OUT NOCOPY Suppose a subprogram declares anINparameter, anOUTparameter, and anINOUTparameter. When you call the subprogram, theINparameter is passed by reference. That is, a pointer to theINactual parameter is passed to the corresponding formal parameter. So, both parameters ...
('before, l_1=' || l_1 || ', l_2=' || l_2 || ', l_3=' || l_3); BEGIN --the OUT parameter has no value at all until the program terminates successfully, --unless you have requested use of the NOCOPY hint test_out(l_1, l_2, l_3); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ...
('before, l_1=' || l_1 || ', l_2=' || l_2 || ', l_3=' || l_3); BEGIN --the OUT parameter has no value at all until the program terminates successfully, --unless you have requested use of the NOCOPY hint test_out(l_1, l_2, l_3); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ...