ou words list The ou words in this activity include: soup, croup, group, you, youth, wound, toucan, routine, crouton, coupon, cougar, goulash, through, acoustic, caribou, boulevard, barracouta, and courier. ou words phonics With just a little prep work, you will have a set of “ou”...
Word Sort: 2 Sounds of ow The letters OW can make two sounds: /ow/ (as in owl) or long o (as in slow). Sort the word cards into groups by sound. 1st Grade OW - Word Wheel Phonics word wheel: brown, flower, now, plow, cow, town, and how. ...
Hi there ! Today we are going to look at the ow sound, like in cow.Did you know that ou can also make that sound ? Like in the word out.Have a look at all the ow and ou words below.Word list cow owl out about down our shout now loud how wow found Choose two words from ...
Sound/SpellingsPhonics BuildFluency:Sound/Spellings ow DisplaythefollowingWord-BuildingCardsoneat atime:ar,ea,ee,er,ey,i,ie,i_e,igh,ir,o,oa,oar,oe,or,ou ore,ou,ow,u,ur,y.Havechildrenchorallysayeach sound.Mix,repeat,andvarythepace. 125CUnit5Week4 DAY5 WHOLEGROUP BlendWordswithou,ow ...
$1.50 Add to cart Buy licenses to share Wish List Share this resource Report this resource to TPT The Joy in Teaching 1.5k Followers Follow Also included in Phonics Worksheets Bundle Help students master phonics with the Phonics Worksheet Ultimate Bundle! This comprehensive resource is filled with...
6A More Word Family and Digraph 分离元音组合家族 - a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e ow ou 8842017-03 10 6B More Word Family and Digraph 分离元音组合家族 - ar er ir or ur 7662017-03 查看更多 猜你喜欢 656 Mouse Cookies&More A Treasury by:仰望无尽星空_ 2282 Mouse Cookies&More a Treasury by...
“Combines phonics and word recognition, making sounds and letters recognizable. Highly recommended.” — (starred) School Library Journal. 苏斯博士(1904-1991),本名西奥多·苏斯·盖泽尔,是全美非常受欢迎的儿童文学作家。在美国,如果你问儿童喜欢的作者是谁?不论书店或图书馆人员都会告诉你是苏斯博士。自...