所属专辑:Phonics 猜你喜欢 3787 Short Vowels by:Andrew安老师 4259 Short Wave by:梦中的搬运工 374 Short Bus Aka Short Songs-R by:嘻哈有态度 564 Short Introductions-Freud by:雅各Q 592 Short Fuse-Gunplay by:嘻哈有态度 1万 Hemingway Short Stories ...
Phonics Kids (4a) - The Short Vowel Word Families Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo 是在优酷播出的教育高清视频,于2015-05-14 15:14:50上线。视频内容简介:Phonics Kids (4a) - The Short Vowel Word Families Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo
wordsCan you make a sentence with ‘oo’ words ?Short ‘oo’ words listCan you find the rules for the short ‘oo’ words?book, brook, cook, cookie, foot, good, hood, hook,look, rook, shook, stood, took, understood, whoosh,wood, wooden, wool, woolenShort ‘oo’ words listCan you...
学习phonics,除了要熟记各种规则外,还应多读,多练,才能把各种不规则发音牢记在心,灵活运用。 双元音(Diphthongs) 双元音Diphthong与上节所述的复合元音字母构成的单音(digraph)的区别在于,diphthong是两个元音在一起所发的音是两个元音音素组合在一起的,所以听上去有两个音,尽管这两个音并不是两个元音所单独发出...
Grab your Super Advanced Phonics FREE CROSSWORD PUZZLE today and watch them boost their reading skills with a smile! Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.2.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.2.3b Know spelling-sound correspondences for ...
本期是Phonics的短元音组合(The Short Vowels WordFamilies)学习,包括: 1. i id, ig, ill it, im, in ing, ink, ish, ick Jack, Be Nimble 2. o ox, ot, op ob, od, og, om, ock Little Bird 如果喜欢,可以点击订阅,后面会陆续上传其他节目,并且有我自己的儿童英语启蒙经验分享哦~ 更多全部 ...
Word Wheel: Short OO Words This version has the words cook, book, good, wool, look, foot, hook, and took. Kindergarten to 2nd Grade See also...Phonics Worksheets (Full Index) This index page will link you to our complete library with thousands of phonics worksheets. Topics include initial...
(类似汉语拼音的u) book, look, wood, foot, cookie eu 长u euro, feud, eulogy, sleuth, pneumonia ew 长u chew, new, few, stew, blew ie 长e yield, chief, relief, believe, puppies ey 长e monkey, money, honey, hockey, volley 学习phonics,除了要熟记各种规则外,还应多读,多练,才能把各种...
If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow! GET YOUR COPY TODAY! Get your free printable! STUDENTS LOVE OUR NO-PRINT PHONICS ACTIVITIES! Long Vowel Teams Bundle...
Buy Now Free Reading Printables for Pre-K-3rd Grade Join our email list and get this sample pack of time-saving resources from our membership site! You'll get phonemic awareness, phonics, and reading comprehension resources ... all free!Sharing is caring! Face...