If your first grader is working on learningou words, you will love this free printable game working onou sound words.This printable feautres 2 fun games to play as grade 1 students our working onou words phonics. Simply print the pages and follow the directiosn below to play and learnwor...
双元音拼读 3 by:优可思英语May老师 9548 剑桥国际音标 8个双元音(全) by:Hill0058 2150 押韵绘本 by:爱悦图 7410 东北押韵王 by:华语音乐 10万 押韵狂魔的名场面 by:修罗_烟花三月 1113 粤语读古诗更押韵 by:麦日记 596 ”双元制“人才培养课程 ...
Step 1. Warm-up Phonics song: Review letters sounds. (1min) 教师带领学生跟随音乐唱phonics歌谣。 (a b c, d e f, …) 【设计意图:借助Phonics song复习巩固Aa-Zz,强化学生对已学元音和辅音的认识,活跃课堂气氛,创设轻松愉快...
22.元音字母组合OU发音—《记词更易 听音能写 见词能读Phonics》Phonics美音教学第二十二课 学习时间13分钟 灵孟天 顺势而为 难而正确 默存于心22.Vowel combinations OU has 4 sound, Can you read it? 元音字母组合ou有四个读音,你会读吗? 0 22.ou Sample Words 22-1-house 0 22-2-soul 0 22...
新版少儿英语Smart Phonics 1 原版正品 限时抢购 满88减10 券 限时抢 ¥112.00 英文原版 Spelling Machine 趣味转转书 神奇的英文拼字图解书 英文单词 券 ¥48.00 Roger Priddy图画单词书系列 3册套装 英文原版 First 100 Words 券 ¥83.50 预售【中商原版】Succeed in Lang uageCert CEFR A2 Glo...
Step 1 Warm-up1.Let's sing老师带领学生跟随音乐唱The phonics Zoo歌谣。【设计意图】调动学生积极性,创设轻松愉快的学习氛围。Step 2 Presentaion1. Talk and guessWhat animal is in the round house?歌曲过后,通过师生问答,教师带领...
An exciting way to enhance word recognition and phonics skills. Get started now! 2 VIEW DETAILS Reading Exploring Words with Diphthongs - OU Game Play this fun game and explore words with diphthongs. This interactive game is focused on reading words with the "ou" and "ow" sounds. ...
Words ending with the ts sound are alawys unvoiced. 以ts结尾的单词都是清辅音 Example: Hats, hates Rule 3: T becomes a tap in the middle of a word. 在一个单词的中间,T要发成齿龈闪音 Example: Gated, lateral, notable, water Rule 4: Of is pronounced ov or uh ...
Phonics Worksheets Connect to all of our phonics worksheets pages. Mini-Books Phonics is fun when you read these mini-books with your students. Dolch Sight Words Learn sight words with worksheets, flashcards, checklists, and word wheels. ...
Phonics is teaching young children the written language, or code, that will enable them to read and write. Through identifying a written letter and knowing the sound of each letter, children will be able to combine letters into other sounds and syllables, which will help them decode words.Work...