#创作灵感 (学习篇)每天读英语,培养好习惯(Today: ●Phonics: ou; ●Words: crouch、proud、shout; ●Question: What makes Dad scream?)#琛琛爱英语 - 琛琛爱学习于20240923发布在抖音,已经收获了5656个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
ou words phonics With just a little prep work, you will have a set of “ou” cards that can be used in numerous ways. 1. First, print off the cards. If you want, you can print a fun colorful back on the cards, by printing on both sides. ...
双元音拼读 3 by:优可思英语May老师 9548 剑桥国际音标 8个双元音(全) by:Hill0058 2150 押韵绘本 by:爱悦图 7410 东北押韵王 by:华语音乐 10万 押韵狂魔的名场面 by:修罗_烟花三月 1113 粤语读古诗更押韵 by:麦日记 596 ”双元制“人才培养课程 ...
Rule 2: S becomes Z when preceded by a voiced syllable OR the word is made plural using es 当前面是一个浊辅音或者是用es变复数的时候,S 要发 Z 的音 Examples: Rides, ladies, briges, bugs, angels, misses, 发 Z 音 Words ending with the ts sound are alawys unvoiced. 以ts结尾的单词...
【设计意图:借助Phonics song复习巩固Aa-Zz,强化学生对已学元音和辅音的认识,活跃课堂气氛,创设轻松愉快的英语学习氛围。】 Step 2. Presentation 1.Talk about the picture. (2 min) 教师引导学生观察图片,学生根据教师问题说出目标单词及...
22.元音字母组合OU发音—《记词更易 听音能写 见词能读Phonics》Phonics美音教学第二十二课 学习时间13分钟 灵孟天 顺势而为 难而正确 默存于心22.Vowel combinations OU has 4 sound, Can you read it? 元音字母组合ou有四个读音,你会读吗? 0 22.ou Sample Words 22-1-house 0 22-2-soul 0 22...
学科网为您提供Unit 2 ou,ow,oi,oy,oo,u(课件)-2023-2024学年牛津自然拼读Level 5精品资料,欢迎您下载使用,获取更多牛津上海版(试用本)小学英语课件优质资源请关注学科网
《自然拼读一起学:老鼠跳跳(元音组合oi、ou)Let's Read Together: Bouncy Mouse》,作者:自然拼读一起学:老鼠跳跳(元音组合oi、ou)Let's Read Together: Bouncy MouseBarbara deRubertis文,Eva Vagreti Cockrille绘 著,出版社:Kane Press,ISBN:9781575650432。学
Phonics is teaching young children the written language, or code, that will enable them to read and write. Through identifying a written letter and knowing the sound of each letter, children will be able to combine letters into other sounds and syllables, which will help them decode words.Work...
Step 1 Warm-up1.Let's sing老师带领学生跟随音乐唱The phonics Zoo歌谣。【设计意图】调动学生积极性,创设轻松愉快的学习氛围。Step 2 Presentaion1. Talk and guessWhat animal is in the round house?歌曲过后,通过师生问答,教师带领...