BBC英语动画Alphablocks字母积木自然拼读Phonics, 全2-4季共63集 811 -- 3:13:51 App 【自然拼读干货 Meet the Sight Words 】 学习常用词汇1-5季|Preschool Prep Company|外网超🔥火的美国动画 465 -- 1:41 App 26个英文字母自然拼读的发音 1301 3 1:25:18 App 超高清【自然拼读】外教真人教学 零基...
Need a simple, freeprintable phonics gameto practice r- controlled vowel “er”? This black outphonics er wordsgame gets children reading “er” words. Thiser sound phonicsis perfect for kindergartners, grade 1, and grade 2 students who are working on improving reading and spelling skills. B...
27.元音辅音字母组合ER发音—《记词更易 听音能写 见词能读》Phonics美音教学第二十七课 学习时间2分钟 灵孟天 顺势而为 难而正确 默存于心27.Vowel-Consonant combinations ER has 1 sound, Can you read it? 元音辅音字母组合er有一个读音,你会读吗? 0 Sample Words her 0 -/er/ th...
Words and Pictures Phonics Year 2: er/or/a(Season 13, Episode 10) TV Episode|Family Edit pageAdd to list Producer Sarah A. Miller Composer Michael Henry See all filmmakers & crew (3) Status EditReleased Updated2001-12-3 Release date ...
TA的视频 03:32 AMomBird 2020-02-10 07:27 Phonics /er/ 2020-02-10 27:25 Words to Know 2020-02-10 07:20 Wordlist 2020-02-10 15:54 Bossy R Intro 2020-02-08 扫一扫,手机继续看 打开优酷App-我的-顶部扫一扫 Phonics /er/ 上传于 2020-02-10 周边...
设计教师:东莞市南城阳光第五小学 卢智华\x0d\x0a 年级:一年级 教学内容:字母组合er\x0d\x0a教学资源:Phonics kids 、PPT、MP3 \x0d\x0a建议时长:10~12分钟
Unit 1 Oxford Phonics world 5 Letter Combinations Unit 1 ar ur ir er or Storm car Storm farm Storm park Storm star Storm car farm park star Storm Storm bird Storm girl Storm nurse Storm purple Storm girl nurse Storm bird purple Storm teacher Storm sister Storm doctor Storm tractor Storm tea...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 百度贴吧内打开 继续访问 百度贴吧 聊兴趣 上贴吧 打开 chrome浏览器 继续 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 宜园夜话吧 tcdyt 自然拼读法(Phonics)基本规则1. 二十六个字母的读音 (Letter Sounds) 五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u), 每个发两种音:长音(其字母音)和短音,y不在单词...
Watch a phonics video to hear the sounds! Read Read the Free iBook to review the words and sounds! PRACTICE Speak out loud with the fast and easy practice pages! Sing-a-long Sing along with catchy songs and master the phonics! Join Our Parenting Tips Newsletter ...
所属专辑:儿童英语Phonics(一) 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 儿童学习英语的入门之选。 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 sh1_088_part1_write_the_er,ir,ur_words 222018-12 2 sh1_088_part2_find_the_er,ir_and_ur_words 272018-12 3 sh1_088_part3_unscramble_...